Sick Little-Yoonmin

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Caregiver: Yoongi
Little: Jimin
Age Range: 3-4

Jimin had woken up this morning with a scratchy throat. He was in a big space so he decided that he could be a big boy and take care of himself while his Daddy was at work.

It was now about 1:00 in the afternoon and Jimin was sitting in the living room staring at the ceiling. He turned on his side to look at the clock and almost cried out as he knew his Daddy would not be home until well after 4:00.

He did not know what to do. He tried playing with his stuffies, watching cartoons, eating a snack, and even his brand new train set could not distract him from his soar throat. Speaking of which had escalated to a full-on cold now with sneezing and a runny nose. To say Jimin felt like dirt was an understatement.

His head was killing him and he just wanted it to stop. Soon enough this was all just to much for him and he slipped into littlespace.

Finding his phone, he scrolled through his contacts until he found a picture of his Daddy. He touched the picture and the screen changed. After a few minutes he was met with his Daddy's voice.



"Jimin, are you in littlespace?"

" Of course, Daddy! Big Minnie is no fun Little Minnie is much better!"

"How old is my little Mochi right now?"

"I'm four!"

"Okay, I have a special job for you. Can you do it?"

"Of course, Daddy! Mochi is a big boy!"

"Okay then I need you to unlock the door because I am almost home. I got all my work done early today!"


After say that, Jimin hit the disconnect button on the phone. He ran downstairs and as soon as he opened the door, his Daddy was standing there.

"Dadd-", Jimin cut himself off with a coughing fit. Yoongi picked him up and rubbed his back.

"Are you not feeling well? Is that why you slipped", he asked with a concerned voice.

"Yes, Daddy. I feel icky", Jimin said while laying his head on Yoongi's shoulder.

"What hurts, baby?" Yoongi asked while sitting on the couch with Jimin on his lap. Jimin pointed to his head and his throat. Yoongi has heard his cough and could see his nose. "I think that you've got a cold,baby. Stay here while Daddy gets some medicine"

With that Yoongi sat Jimin on the couch and went to the kitchen. He came back a few minutes later with a teaspoon of cherry flavored medicine and a sippy cup of warm milk. He held medicine in front of Jimin's mouth.

"Open up, Mochi" Yoongi said while waving the spoon a little to get his attention.

After a few seconds of contemplation, Jimin opens his mouth and took his medicine.
This of course earned him great praise which made home blush.

"Alright I think it's nap time, hmm?" Yoongi asked but not waiting for an answer as he handed Jimin the sippy and carried him up stairs.

Yoongi layed Jimin on their shared bed and was about to leave when a hand gripped his wrist.

"Stay with Chimmy", the little whispered quietly.

Yoongi smiled and layed down next to him. He pulled Jimin to his chest and raked his fingers through his hair.

"Goodnight, baby, Daddy loves you."

Jimin was already asleep, quiet snores the only thing that could be heard.

I hope you guys enjoyed this one shot!
Please comment ideas, suggestions, or questions that you have~~~~

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