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-set with Godzilla, after Kong has arrived at hollow earth-

The battle was still fresh in his mind. The image of the ape and all his other followers surrendering, proved himself that he was forever, King of the Monsters. If this ape thought he could just show up out of no where, and take his title, oh was he wrong.

Kong. Was that his name? Godzilla had understood that word being said by many of the Man-kind on those ships. Yes, perhaps that was the ape's name. Something in the back of his lizard brain, was screaming nonsense at him. It was as if it was trying to tell him to go back, and try to find Kong.

Even if he wanted to, the Ape's presence had seemed to vanish into thin air. He could still sense him.. it was just hard to find where he was.

Godzilla stopped swimming for a moment, lifting his head out of the water. Where was he even going? Scanning his surroundings, Godzilla could only see ocean. "What a surprise." He spoke in what ever language titans spoke. His unbelievable accurate sense in direction told him he was somewhere North-East of the planet.

just go where ever. That same voice in the back of his head said calmly. Not even questioning it, Godzilla continued to swim somewhere to the West of where he was just heading. If he was heading the right direction, he should make it near Mexico or South America.

From what he was told as a child by his mother, his breed and Kong's breed have had an ancient rivalry, and it is said that 'The king and the alpha must face each other, and one will fall.'

He already won the battle, but Kong did not die. Does that mean they will have to fight again? Godzilla growled, salt water seeping into his mouth. A familiar blue light started to faintly emerge into his vision. Trying to calm himself down, the blue slowly faded.

That wouldn't have gone well. Godzilla took a sharp right turn, seeing land start to form in the distance. He needed a break from swimming. As he got closer he could see that it was an island. From what he could sense, there doesn't seem to be any Man-kind living there.

He was soon to realize this island was very small, and there was no possible way he could rest here. Growling in frustration, Godzilla spun around and started swimming back to where he was coming from.

Becoming unaware of his surroundings, Godzilla got lost in thought. His mind trailed back to the other day, where he had destroyed a whole facility. Why had he done that again? Oh yes.

He had felt the presence of something unwelcoming. He had left the Man-kind at peace for a longtime, and he had no intention to break that peace, but the signal of what ever it was triggered him. He went on a rampage trying to find it, killing and injuring who knows how many.

After all the destruction, he was left unsatisfied.

-flash back to the APEX facility attack-

The signal had faded and so did its presence, making Godzilla more enraged. He opened his mouth, firing a beam of atomic breath at a building near the facility. The screams of Man-kind followed with explosions upon explosions were the only other sound he heard, except the guns and explosives being fired at him.

Godzilla growled, slapping away planes and other things that were approaching him. He had kept this peace for so long, and now he was breaking it.

He finally withdrew his nuclear powers, and he began to retreat away from the destruction. The thing that sent off that signal was probably more than joyed to see Godzilla with a bad title now.

-end of flashback-

The memory sent chills down his spine. Godzilla was no longer trusted by the Man-kind, he had to prove to them that he had never meant to break the peace, he was just provoked by something he couldn't put a name on.

He quickly calmed himself down before he accidently shot a beam of atomic breath into who knows where. Godzilla suddenly felt that signal reach out to him again, it enraged him. It doesn't belong here.

He could sense where this thing was, it was in the opposite direction of where he was going right now. A growl rumbled in his throat. Godzilla flipped a U turn, and made his way to source of this signal.


It was close, Godzilla could feel it. Slowly emerging his back from the water, his dorsal fins blinked the neon blue color, showing he was provoked by something. Raising the rest of his upper body out of the water, he let out his usual ferocious screech as he completely destroyed a bridge.

Stalking forward through the water, Godzilla made his way towards the signal. Land was approaching and his pace picked up a bit, his footsteps becoming harsher.

Marching through the city, Godzilla tried to avoid destroying any buildings at the moment. But if they blocked his path, he wouldn't hesitate to go through them.

It's so close, but where is it? Godzilla growled in frustration. A sudden pain shot through Godzilla, causing him to screech loudly in pain. His dorsal fins flashed uncontrollably. An immense amount of energy was building up, his eyes and mouth beginning to shine neon blue.

Leaning down he released all of the building up energy into the ground, the ground beginning to break and melt from the radiation of his atomic breath. It wouldn't stop coming, it was as if an infinite amount of energy was stored in Godzilla that would never stop or be controlled.

The energy finally seemed to be controlled again after the ground couldn't be destroyed anymore. Looking down into the hole he made, Godzilla roared earsplittingly. What he did not expect was that familiar roar he had heard in his previous battle. Kong.

Godzilla could faintly hear gunshots, and Kong's roars from down the hole, and what seemed to be followed by an explosion. Godzilla took a step back, still stunned from the amount of energy that had just surged through his body.

Hearing Kong's roar had brought a slight comfort to Godzilla. Wait. Why was Kong bringing him comfort? Godzilla wouldn't allow that feeling to come back to mind.

Turning away from the hole, Godzilla went to continue stalking through the city. Not even after 2 minutes did Godzilla hear a familiar roar. Turning around, Godzilla growled. Their stood the ha- the annoying ape. Smashing his tail on the ground, followed with a roar. Kong smashed his new found battle axe into the ground, then smashing his fists on the ground.

Godzilla was going to end this, fulfil his destiny.

he was going to kill Kong


WC: 1153

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