act i; part ii

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act i; part ii


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THE ATMOSPHERE OF THE SUTHERLAND HOUSE WAS TENSE. The social season of 1814 was to begin the following day. Stress and chaos were on the horizon, impatiently awaiting the start of the season. The impending social season affected Lady Sutherland and Maude the most. The mother and daughter had developed a strained relationship due to the outcome of last season. Daphne Bridgerton had secured a Duke. And, Maude? Well, she was left at the end of the season without a single proposal of worth. The Bridgertons had the Sutherlands beat once again, and although Lady Sutherland would never outwardly declare it, she blamed her embarrassment on Maude.

Nonetheless, the silent actions and passive comments didn't go unnoticed by Maude. In fact, all of the Sutherland siblings picked up on the indirect anger. And, quite frankly, Maisie was terrified she would fail to secure an engagement by the end of the season. For if she didn't, she would end up in the same position as Maude.

Maude wasn't hated by their mother, she was still very much loved, but she was blamed for bringing shame to the family name.

"Margaret," Lady Sutherland said from the chaise across Maisie. "You are wearing the new dress tomorrow, yes?"

Tomorrow Maisie and Maude are to be presented to the Queen.

Maisie nodded, "Yes, mama. It is quite beautiful, I adore the—"

"Beauty is not enough, as we have seen," Lady Sutherland interrupted, taking a glance at Maude who was sitting at the piano. She sighed. "You must be charming and none of those foolish comments you like to make. A gentleman does not care about humour, he cares about prosperity."

Moses cleared his throat, and Maisie withheld a chortle at the expression he held. As he spoke, his tone was emotionless, "Mother, as a gentleman myself, I must disagree."

"Moses," Montague, the eldest, warned, giving his younger brother a stern look.

"You disagree?" Lady Sutherland questioned, her tone dangerous.

Maxwell slapped his hand to his mouth, stifling his laughter at the situation. Mother was unimpressed by Moses' outspokenness. However, Moses was never one to blindly please their mother like Montague.

"Well, of course, I disagree mother!" Moses exclaimed, a short laugh escaping his lips as he found the situation ridiculous. "What man wishes to marry someone with the personality of a stone? I certainly would never—"

"Moses, are you expressing your sudden desire to take on a wife?" Lady Sutherland asked. At her words, the blood rushed from Moses' face. Sending her second eldest a glare, she continued, "that's what I assumed."

A brief moment of silence fell over the Sutherland family as they sat in the drawing-room. However, that blessed peace did not last long, for Lady Sutherland spoke again. "I will not be made a fool again, especially not by one of my children."

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