act i; part v

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act i; part v

act i; part vA PUTRID FAMILY

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THE BALLROOM EXUDED GRACE. What else was one to expect when Lady Danbury hosted a ball? Candles lined the walls, the small flickering flames cast an orangish hue to the room. The flames danced joyously in the crystals of the large chandeliers and glinted off the precious jewels donned by the women of high society. Ladies and gentlemen were scattered around the ballroom, some were engaged in conversation or danced, whilst others exchanged stolen and flirtatious glances.

Four Sutherlands were in attendance at Lady Danbury's ball — Maude, Margaret, Montague and Lady Sutherland. Lord Sutherland planned on attending, but he felt particularly ill that evening and was unable to leave his bed. Her father has grown increasingly weak in the last year and spent more days confined to his bedsheets than anywhere else. More often than not, Maisie forced the upsetting thoughts about her father and his illness to the furthest area of her brain. It was not something she enjoyed ruminating upon.

Out of herself and Maude, Maisie drew the short straw of the bunch.

Whilst Montague was escorting Maude around the ballroom, introducing her to suitable gentlemen, their mother did the same for Maisie. Lady Sutherland was difficult, but she was their mother and Maisie loved her nonetheless. Especially in regards to the Sutherland-Bridgerton feud, their mother was strict and demanding, unbending and unapologetic. She desired only the best out of her children, and anything short was unacceptable. Lady Sutherland wanted more for her children, even if more was not in their best interest.

Maisie was flaunted around like a prized possession. She was acquainted with every eligible bachelor of worth, which according to her mother was any man with a title above a baron. However, if the baron was of exceedingly prestigious birth or had pockets deep with riches, he became worthy, although much less desired than the titles above. Maisie did not understand her mother's system. What she did understand was that Daphne Bridgerton's marriage to the Duke was at the root of all of Maisie's suitor issues. Lady Sutherland wanted to prove her daughters were just as special and as deserving.

The Sutherland sisters would not have the opportunity to marry for love.

As the night drew on, Maisie found herself scanning the ballroom in search of a certain Bridgerton boy. She caught sight of one of his brothers and quickly realized that the man was not Colin. Maisie deduced that the man was the eldest Bridgerton son when she noticed the heavily pregnant brunette on his arm, his wife. The married couple smiled widely and laughed amongst themselves. However, she did not find Colin in the crowd.

Lady Sutherland's voice rang in Maisie's ears and drew her attention. 

"Chin up, my dear, you must accentuate your beauty."

Maisie raised her chin.

"Shoulders back."

Maisie pushed her shoulders back.

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