act i; part iii

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act i; part iii


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THAT DAY, LONDON'S MARRIAGE-MINDED MISSES OF 1814 WERE TO BE PRESENTED TO THE QUEEN. Despite the obvious stresses associated with the event, the day itself was quite wonderful. The sun beamed brightly in the cloudless sky, spreading its warmth amongst the breezy spring winds. Unfortunately, the joyous weather did not uplift the mood of the Sutherland house. That morning, the residence was thick with tension as Lady Sutherland and her eldest daughter, Maude, were at each other's necks in a passive-aggressive argument. Maisie, who just wanted to survive the day, remained out of her mother's line of vision as she hurried to ready herself for the Queen.

The tension became ignored once the Sutherland family arrived at the event. Her mother and sister wouldn't dare act out on their issues in a public setting. Image was everything.

As they waited with the other debutants, a nervous frown pulled on Maisie's smile. What if she embarrassed herself in front of the Queen? Surely, nearly half of the ton has witnessed Maisie trip at one time or another, but that was irrelevant at the current moment. The Queen's opinion mattered most and, as was seen last season with Daphne Bridgerton, she was never wrong.

Maude, who stood across from Maisie, was beautiful in all regards. Her dark hair, smooth as silk, was styled to perfection and her frock accentuated all her best features. Even the large feather pinned in her updo complemented her beauty. Maude Sutherland looked like a proper lady in society. Unfortunately, Maisie couldn't say the same about herself. Whilst her hair was smooth, it wasn't as smooth as Maude's, and her frock was pretty, but it didn't do her the same favour as Maude. Lastly, Maisie couldn't help but feel like a chicken with the large feather sticking out of her hair. She was not Maude.

How was she supposed to obtain a proposal of worth when even Maude failed in the task last season? If Maude wasn't able to complete the task, then how is Maisie expected to do better? The threat of marrying the Marquis of Hertford loomed with every thought.

"Miss Maude Sutherland and Miss Margaret Sutherland, presented by their mother, the Right Honorable, Lady Sutherland," a man called from the other room. His voice was loud, seeping through the space between the shut doors.

The large doors, embellished with gold fixtures, opened inward, exposing the Sutherland girls to the judging eyes of the ton, and most terrifyingly, the eyes of Queen Charlotte herself. Immediately, Maisie caught the glance of her oldest brother, Montague, who sent her a reassuring smile. Although he meant well, the action did little in coaxing her nerves, but she still appreciated the support nonetheless. Standing beside Montague was Moses, who as usual was devoid of any emotions. The second eldest son blankly stared at nothing. Maisie nearly snorted at the sight.

With an unsteady inhale, Maisie stepped forward along with her elder sister.

Maisie carefully walked down the aisle, as straight as a board as she neared the Queen. She did not want the Queen to dislike her for trivial things like bad posture or clumsiness. The large white feather secured to the top of her up-do fluttered with the movement of her steps. And, the sensation on her scalp was extremely distracting. Maude stood to her left, graceful as ever, and Lady Sutherland followed closely behind her daughters.

Due to her nerves, Maisie found her gaze leaving the intimidating nature of the Queen. As she glanced over the crowd, she caught a familiar gaze.

Colin Bridgerton.

The third eldest Bridgerton stood tall among his siblings, being flanked by his older brothers. The family was no doubt in attendance to support Eloise. She noticed the Bridgerton siblings wore tired frowns and looks of distaste as she and Maude neared the Queen. However, Maisie didn't pay the observation much thought, for it wasn't anything she wasn't used to. But, Colin was the anomaly. A frown did not tug at his lips and a distaste expression did not plague his handsome features. In fact, the third-eldest Bridgerton son was the exact opposite of his siblings.

Colin directed a petite smile to her, one that managed to ease her nerves. There was something about seeing his smile in full and not partially through the crack in the wall that caused warmth to spread in her chest. He had a beautiful smile, one so contagious that the corners of her own lips tugged into a small grin.

"Margaret, look ahead!" Her mother scolded in a hushed tone, the words only reaching Maude and Maisie. To her side, Maisie heard Maude stifle a faint giggle at the scold.

Immediately, Maisie pulled her attention away from the Bridgerton boy and looked ahead at the Queen. She was rather intimidating with her large white wig and emotionless face. The Queen sat gracefully in a large red chair, flanked by several of her workers.

Upon reaching Queen Charlotte, both girls came to a slow halt and curtsied.

"Hmm," The Queen hummed as she eyed the two Sutherland girls. With a quick flip of the wrist, she dismissed Maude and Maisie, a disinterested expression on her face. The smile on Maisie's face faltered for a moment.

Along with her sister and her mother, Maisie turned around and began to leave. Even though the Queen's reaction was far from fruitful, she couldn't help but breathe a small sigh of relief. She managed to successfully avoid embarrassment in front of the Queen. That alone was rewarding enough. As she stepped, she ignored the burning sensation on the back of her head from Colin's unwavering glance.

"Well, that was horrid," Maude muttered as they retraced their steps out of the room. "Daphne received a flawless last season — which she does not deserve — and we, a mere flick of the wrist?"

They stepped through the open doors, and into the crowded room of debutants and their mamas.

Maisie whispered, "It could've been much worse."

Her sister snorted. "At least we didn't faint like Prudence Featherington did last year — how embarrassing. I don't understand why the Featheringtons even bother to show, they're all fools after all."

"Maude! That is awfully rude and far from true." Maisie scolded, giving her elder sister a pointed look. She truly liked the Featherington sisters and enjoyed their presence. Sure, their mama dressed them in outrageous frocks, but their clothing revealed nothing about their personality.

"Honesty is hardly nice."

. . .

rose's notes

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Colin is a cinnamon roll

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