act i; part viii

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act i; part viii


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THAT EVENING, MAISIE ONCE AGAIN FOUND HERSELF WITH HER BACK PRESSED AGAINST HER WALL, speaking into the evening air. As soft whispers slipped beyond her pink lips, she peered out her bedroom window at the night sky, left unveiled by the open drapes. The moonlight was scarce that night, being cloaked by thick and daunting clouds. Resulting in an ink-black sky, showcasing the absence of not only the light of the moon but also light stemming from the brightly shimmering stars that were also cloaked under the thick clouds. Despite the lack of whitish glow seeping from the night sky, it was a beautiful evening. The breeze slipping through her window was so faint she hardly noticed it, but it carried the invigorating scents of spring. Spring was Maisie's favourite season and as of late, the late hours of the evening became her preferred time of day.

The only illumination in her room was provided by the candle resting on her bedside table. Light from the flame flickered wildly on the walls, bestowing an orange and yellow hue to the floral green wallpaper. Her room was veiled under a warm glow, matching the warmth spreading in her chest.

Hushed whispers had been seeping through the crack in the wall for a near two hours now and Maisie had no desire to stop. Even though she was becoming increasingly more fatigued and found herself drifting off every so often, lulled by Colin's smooth voice, she could not bear bidding the Bridgerton son farewell. In the last two and a half weeks, Maisie had grown increasingly more comfortable in his presence. She found herself revealing her deepest and most cherished memories, as well as a few embarrassing situations. Even though she had only formally known the young man for just over two weeks, she had never felt more herself around anyone else. Colin never judged Maisie and he never made her feel of any less worth. In his eyes, she was his equal.

In recent days, the focal point of her day was the hours spent conversing with Colin in the evening. He was becoming, if not already, one of her greatest friends. And, she would be a fool to deny the reddened cheeks and the increased beat of her heart that forever occurred in his presence.

Maisie fancied Colin Bridgerton, which in and of itself was a dangerous concept. Being his friend was one thing, but her heart yearning for him was a sure pathway to anguish. Even if he reciprocated the blooming feelings, she could never marry him. She could never strive for a life of happiness with the man. Her parents would never allow it. Yet, she couldn't help the desire for his presence from blooming in her chest.

The feeling terrified her.

"I know it may be incredibly hard to fathom, but green is not my favourite colour." The light and facetious words tumbled from her tongue right before she stifled an impish laugh. Maisie pressed her hand to her mouth, further muffling the noise attempting to breakthrough. As of yet, Maisie does not have a favourite colour. But, without a sliver of a doubt, green was not her in her top three colours if she had to choose.

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