act ii; part i

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act ii; part i


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MARGARET SUTHERLAND WAS UNDENIABLY IN LOVE. After sneaking off into the library with Colin, their encounter was all she could think of for the rest of the evening. She hardly slept that night, for her thoughts were plagued with the beautiful and heartwarming image of him. Maisie had accepted she could never marry for love and she never expected to feel such emotion for a man, especially one she would not have the privilege of marrying. Maisie assumed she would never experience a connection soul-deep, a connection that aligned the stars in the sky. A connection that mended valleys and crumbled mountains. With Colin, everything made sense and nothing made sense all the same. Nonetheless, she could not overlook the whirlwind of thoughts and images centring on him that reign over her mind. She could not overlook the natural bodily reactions that occurred in his presence. She could not overlook how much she yearned to be under his touch once again.

She could not overlook the undeniable and intense love she felt for him.

It would be foolish to even attempt to do so.

So, she decided she wouldn't.

It was hopeless. It was damning. It was a sure road to heartbreak.

But, why would she ever want to let go of something that terrified her to the bones and caused her heart to beat in excited anticipation all the same? Although she hoped otherwise, she may never love the man she marries in the upcoming future. But, at present, she was the victim of a cruel tale, a tale of star-crossed lovers — Romeo and Juliet. She loved Colin, a man she would never have the privilege of marrying. Their unfortunate story, written in the stars, is a destined story of sorrow and pain. 

It was foolish and reckless, damning and unacceptable, but Maisie refused to let her connection with Colin go. She decided that if her future is destined to be a harrowing tale of a loveless husband, then she would cling to the love she held for Colin until her final breath or until he was pried from her fingers. She deserved love even if it tempted condemnation, even if it lasted only until the end of the season. She deserved a sliver of happiness.

She only hoped he loved her all the same.

Late that morning, a mere handful of hours after the Sutherland ball, a bouquet arrived at the Sutherland house from an anonymous sender. The bouquet, a graceful and breathtaking assortment of lilacs, baby's breath and colourful tulips sent Maisie over the threshold of sheer joy. Not only the anonymity but also the selection of flowers was a tell-tale sign of the sender — Mister Colin Bridgerton. Upon seeing the beautiful flowers, Maisie swiftly collected the bouquet and brought it up to her room. She settled it on the table next to her bed, alongside the damaged flowers Colin forced through the crack in the wall. Of course, her mother was quick to assume the gift was from the Marquess of Lansdowne.

She wouldn't dare say otherwise.

Mother had grown rather attached to the foul man.

Speaking of the marquess, Maisie was disheartened to hear he called upon her that afternoon. As of late, she had not heard from him, which was a blessing in and of itself, but she had also not seen him at the ball the prior evening. Of course, she would be a fool to forget his existence, especially since her mother often spoke of him. She relished in his physical absence nonetheless. If only that brief absence from her life would have lengthened to an eternity.

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