Chapter 2

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Kei thinks that there's probably some rule against teachers fraternizing with students. Kuroo doesn't even seem to think anything of it. He insists that Kei stay with him until his injuries heal. It feels weird having someone take care of him. His instinct is to just do things for himself. He wants to go to class and get his own food, but Kuroo takes care of it all. He brings him the assignments from his classes and he makes sure there's food for Kei to eat even when he has meetings or classes to teach. He helps Kei move from the bedroom to the living room until it doesn't hurt as much to move. He even helps Kei apply some sort of weird ointment to the bruises that is supposed to help them heal faster but Kei thinks it mostly just smells weird. Though Kei has to admit (to himself only) that he doesn't mind all the touching.

After two weeks though it gets to be too much. He's practically crawling up the walls. He's still sore and somehow his black eye seems to look worse, but at least the cut on his head and his split lip are healing well. Other than headaches he doesn't really have any symptoms left from the concussion either.

"I'm going home tomorrow," He announces. Kuroo had been about to sit down on the couch with their dinner in his hands. He freezes for a second then sits and looks at him.

"Sick of me already?" He asks, holding out a plate. Kei takes it and picks up the chopsticks.

"No, not really. But I'm fine. I don't need to be looked after. I can take care of myself," He shrugs his shoulders and pokes at his food. Kuroo sits sideways and looks him over with a calculating look.

"It's alright to let yourself be taken care of once in a while Tsukishima," He says.

"I've gotten by on my own until now."

"Why is that? I've seen your academic records. You've been in university since you were like thirteen."

"I didn't fit in. I never have. Too tall, too blonde, too smart. It's not my fault everyone else is an idiot."

"What about your parents?" Kuroo scoots closer and moves some of Kei's hair back so he can look at the cut on his forehead again. "Did you put the ointment on this today? I don't want it to scar."

"Also idiots," Kei ducks his head away. "It's fine. Eat your food."

"Eat your own food." Kuroo sits back and eats. "They just sent their kid off to college at thirteen?"

"They sent me to high school at nine. They were over me long before then," Kei pushes a piece of chicken around his plate.

"You're right," Kuroo grabs the piece of chicken and pops it into his own mouth. "They were idiots."

"Are you flirting with me?" Kei asks, raising an eyebrow.

"You're not supposed to ask," Kuroo juts his lip out in a pout and Kei just rolls his eyes and looks away to hide the blush that he knows is dusting his cheeks.

"You're not supposed to flirt with your student."

"I'm not supposed to bring them home and tend to their wounds either," he points out.

"Well, you're a terrible teacher anyway. If they haven't fired you for never showing up then I doubt they'll start now."

"I've got tenure. They can't fire me for shit."

"How old are you even? Because I'm pretty sure you're too young to have tenure."

"Ah see getting to know me. It's like a first date," Kuroo grins and leans close to him again.

"I think the first date is supposed to come before you get me into your bed."

"Couldn't help it," Kuroo reaches out and cups Kei's cheek. He runs his thumb gently over the mostly healed cut on Kei's lip. "I don't like seeing pretty things get hurt."

The Reckless & The Brave Book 1: Hold Me Tight Or Don't [Kurotsuki]Where stories live. Discover now