Chapter 18

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"Kuroo put the damn box down," Kei snaps. He's spent the better part of the day getting boxes moved up to their new apartment and he feels like he's babysitting a toddler because every time he takes his eyes off of Kuroo he starts trying to lift boxes or carry furniture. He's barely had his cast off for a week and he hasn't been cleared for lifting anything heavier than ten pounds.

"I'm fine babe, I can move a few boxes," Kuroo snaps back.

"No you can't," Kei grabs his shirt and pulls him back onto the couch. "Sit and relax. I'm almost done bringing stuff up."


"Tetsurou," Kei leaves his hand on his chest to keep him in place. "Sit. Stay. Don't argue with me."

"I'm going to die of boredom. I'm going to actually die," Kuroo drops his head onto the back of the couch.

"You'll live. Play some video games or something. Let me handle the move in. I'll put the boxes in the right rooms and then you can sort things while I'm on my business trip," Kei moves back and waits for a moment to make sure Kuroo doesn't plan on getting up, and then he goes to move boxes into the proper rooms.

"What is your business trip this time?" Kuroo picks up the handheld console that Kodzuken had lent him and stretches out along the couch.

"It's an assist. I'll hardly be doing anything."

"You're good to be back in the field?"

"I'm not the one who was injured."

"Yeah but..."

"Tetsurou," Kei gives him a look over his shoulder.

"It's gonna suck without you here," Kuroo says, glancing up from his game.

"Bokuto and Yamaguchi will be stopping by while I'm gone, I'm sure they'll be happy to keep you company. You have plenty of friends you can invite over. You can work on unpacking the apartment too. That way I can just relax when I get home."

"I don't need babysitters," Kei doesn't need to look at him to know he's rolling his eyes.

"You do because you'll overexert yourself if left to your own devices," He runs his fingers through Kuroo's hair as he passes on his way out to get the last of their belongings. Kuroo's old things had been kept in a storage unit while he was gone. It was strange to see all of their things mixed together again. They'd had his things delivered to the old apartment to be sorted through before the move. Kei hadn't even realized how much they'd taken when they'd cleared out the apartment. Some of the things hadn't even been Kuroo's in the first place.

Kei drops the last box on top of the stack in the living room and sighs with relief. He's always hated the process of moving and he'd done it way too many times in the past few years. Moved into the dorms, moved into Kuroo's apartment, moved with Kuroo to their apartment, moved into his own apartment, now here he was again starting over with Kuroo.

"Next time we move you're doing all the work," He says. Kuroo laughs and catches the back of his shirt, tugging him down onto the couch and wrapping his arms around him.

"Are we moving again?" Kuroo asks, he presses kisses along Kei's neck.

"I don't know, it might happen. For work, or something. We could get a house one day," Kei lets his head tilt to the side.

"Hmm, a house could be nice, permanent though. Harder to pack up a house than an apartment. Don't really have the time for pets. Life's too dangerous for kids," He says against Kei's skin.

"I know what you're doing Kuroo," Kei brings a hand up to tangle his fingers in messy black hair.

"I'm kissing my fiance," he can feel Kuroo's grin.

The Reckless & The Brave Book 1: Hold Me Tight Or Don't [Kurotsuki]Where stories live. Discover now