Ep 29

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Sehun's POV

"Stop the flight! NOW!" I yelled at my phone as I drove my car at full speed, "What the f*ck is Y/N L/N thinking of?!" "Boss! You can't go around doing stuff like that!" Lisa said and I screamed, "JUST DO IT!" "Fine," she said, in a tired voice and hung up the call. Y/N, you can't leave me like this! I won't let you! "Damn this traffic!" I muttered, looking at my watch. "Clear all the ways to Incheon airport!" I ordered Secretary Lee. "Yes sir," said the voice. I held the steering wheel determinedly. I have to reach there within thirty minutes. I quickly received the call from Lisa and she said, "The plane has been delayed by an hour." I hummed and hung up at once, focusing on the road.


"The flight leaving for Beijing, China has been delayed by an hour for a security check-up. I repeat..." said the announcer suddenly. "Now what's this for?" I mumbled. I can't help thinking that Sehun was somehow involved in this... But he can't be. No one told him. "Ugh we have to wait for another hour now!" groaned Kai. "Yah! Don't complain!" snapped Jeongyeon, "There must be some reason behind it." "Yeah yeah," said Kai, "Like some rich chaebol wanting to stop his girlfriend." He looked at me darkly and I said, "Haha. Very funny." About half an hour had passed and I was getting pretty tired. "Hey! Let me just verify the ticket and board on the plane," I said, "I am tired of waiting!" "Okay then," sighed Suho. "This is a goodbye then," I said, looking at the three. "I'll miss you," said Jeongyeon, hugging me tightly, "Do come back if you miss me too." "Yeah..." I said, but I knew I wasn't going to come back soon.

After saying my goodbyes to them, I was soon sitting on my seat. This is my first time travelling by air. I gulped and looked outside the window. I couldn't see the three anymore and I sighed. I suddenly feel a bit lonely. What am I going to do by leaving them all? I miss him too, although I haven't even left yet. Should I have told him? I want to see him right now... At least once before I leave... I opened my phone and looked at that one photo I had of him. "He would be so mad at me..." I said softly, "But I have to do this. I want to do this. Oh Sehun, I hope you understand..." I just stared at his picture for minutes. It hurt to leave without even talking to him. I want to hear his voice, feel his warm gaze and hug him tightly... But that isn't possible, is it? He doesn't even know... I looked out of the window again, feeling a bit restless. I wish this flight would just take off already!

I stood up to stretch myself a bit and yawned. Maybe I should just sleep. I rubbed my eyes and was about to sit back down when I saw the person I was yearning for. I rubbed my eyes a bit more and looked at him with wide eyes. Oh Sehun was talking to the flight attendants about something. "Oh shit," I muttered, "What should I do?! What should I do?" I quickly bent down when he looked up. I can't let him talk to me. I know I will just go with what he wants if I do! I have to hide! I quickly rushed towards the washroom, hoping he won't notice me. I locked the door and leant on the wall, taking deep breaths. 

Sehun's POV

"But sir, at least tell us who you are looking for," said the attendant. "This is important please," I said, pushing past them. I looked around everywhere as I walked down the plane, the air hostess following after me. Y/N, where are you? I was getting quite desperate as I couldn't find her anywhere. "Sir, the flight has already been delayed by an hour," said the air hostess, "Please get off the plane now. The passengers are already pretty annoyed." "But-" I began and then shook my head in defeat. I hung my head low as I got off the plane. After coming all this way here, I still couldn't find you... Tears stung my eyes as I dialed her number once again. Where are you? Why are you doing this to me? Of course she didn't pick up, but I tried again stubbornly. I gasped when she picked up. "Y-Y/N, where are you?" I asked at once.


His voice sounded desperate as he asked me where I was. I walked back to my seat and put on my seat belt as he kept calling my name. "Don't do this to me, please!" he begged. "The plane is getting ready for a take-off," said the announcer. I could see him from the window. "Y/N, please don't leave me," he said, "At least say something!" "I'm sorry," I said, in a small voice as a tear rolled down my cheek, "The flight is leaving... Goodbye, Hun-ah..." "NO! NO! NO!" he screamed as he turned around. My eyes widened as he spotted me, but that's when the air hostess said, "Ma'am please put your phone on airplane mode." "Yeah," I said. "No! Get down from that plane right now, Y/N! I swear I won't forgive you if you leave me!" Sehun screamed. "Bye," I said, "I love you, Oh Sehun." I cut off the phone and stared at his lonely figure standing so far away from me. I buried my face in my hands as the tears won't stop rolling down my cheeks. 

Sehun's POV

Three empty words... That's what Y/N L/N left me with. I watched as the plane took off and became a small dot in the sky. My head felt light as I walked out of the airport. "Oh Sehun!" exclaimed a voice. I turned around to see Kai, Jeongyeon and Suho. So, they had all known about this. I turned away and kept walking until I felt someone grab my hand. "Stop being so miserable!" Kai said. "She didn't even tell me," I whispered. "She is doing all this for you," said Kai. "HOW IS IT FOR ME IF SHE'S LEAVING ME ALONE?!" I screamed, not being able to keep quiet anymore. "Because she's stupid!" said Kai, "She thinks that she doesn't deserve you!" "What?" I asked. "Stop crying first," said Kai, "I won't tell you anything if you behave like a baby!" I pulled out a hanky from my pocket and wiped my tears, sniffing slightly. 

"Why did she go?" I asked, in a hoarse voice. "She said that she wanted to find herself," said Kai, looking down, "Sehun, I really think you should let her go. She has suffered a lot until now." "Which is why I wanted to protect her!" I said. "Do you know that she tried to commit suicide?" Kai asked. "Sh-she did what?" I said, my eyes wide, "Wh-Why would she do that?!" "It was when you told her Lisa was your girlfriend," said Kai. My breath got caught in my throat. It was because of me... "To be honest," Kai continued, "I liked her too... But what's the use? She only had you in her heart." He smiled sadly as he shook his head. "She was so stubbornly yours," he said. I felt my cheeks getting wet again as warm tears made their way from my eyes. "That's enough," I mumbled, walking on towards my car, "I would never forgive her." The truth is, I would never forgive myself. I forgot her. I left her. I was the reason she even wanted to die...

~To be continued~

Thank you for reading~! 

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