Luna (Evie) Part 9

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She was done.
done fighting.
Done yelling.
Done hoping.
They weren't coming.
They weren't coming.
They weren't coming.
She didn't know how long it had been,  or how long it was going to be¹.
Was she going back?
Was she?
She had to get out.
If they weren't going to get her out, she would do it herself.
She had been there for hours, it seemed.
Suddenly, Tommy and tubbo were in the corridors containing her cell. Tubbo had been crying. She felt almost sympathetic for a second.
Tommy slammed his hands on the bars of her cage in anger, making her jump.
Evie composed herself long enough to stop herself screaming, he was obviously angry, and although she knew that if it came down to a physical battle, she would easily win, he was scary like this.
Then she heard them. Again.
They were back.
They often came back when she lost control, when she was scared, when she was angry.
'kill her. It's her fault, she's captured her.' Tommys voice, although his lips weren't moving.
'Julia, Julia, Julia, gone.' tubbo, although again, his lips were not moving. He was breathing extremely heavily though. He sounded like he was having a panic attack. He fell to the ground, gasping.
Tommy turned around. 'TUBBO!'
He was hugging him, telling him that it would be alright, that she would be back soon.
It was funny, she thought, how he could go from anger to compassion and kindness in a few seconds.
But then she realised.
Julia was Solis.
It felt like all the air had been knocked out of her.
She didn't know why she felt like this.
She shouldnt care.
But she did.
She cared.
They had her.
She didn't know what they would do and again, she didn't really want to know. All she knew was that Solis was an assassin, a spy. Like her. And like her, she didn't really want to hurt anyone.
She, admittedly, had put on this, this stupid act. She had pretended she was arrogant, fearless, even cruel.
She had been trained to do so.
It would unsettle her enemy and help her be brave. That's what they said, anyway.
'Julia is gone!?' she said, shocked. Her voice sounded odd, and out of place here. She definitely sounded scared.
Tommy looked at her, curious.
'how did you - how did you know her name.'
She had fucked up.
She assumed the same arrogant face as yesterday.
'I know everything about everyone here.' she said coldly 'I know your fears, your hopes, your Attachments, your... Weaknesses'
Tommy looked unsettled, and tubbo had gone quiet.
It had worked.
They quietly left.
She was alone again.
At least she knew something.
They definitely had Weaknesses.

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