Chapter 5

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Melissa’s POV

I woke up the next day to an empty empty bed, with the sun drifting in through the already drawn curtains. Laying there, gradually waking myself up, an already dressed Harry, happily strolled in the bedroom door.

“Morning!” he greeted me cheerily. 

“Hello. Why are you already dressed? You’re never up this early?” I questioned. 

“We’ve got to go to the studio in 10 minutes - finish off the last adjustments of the album. Want to come?”

“Sure” I replied. I had not hing better to do today, and I really didn’t want to face my mother yet. I’d leave that until later today. 

“Well, we’ve got to leave in 10 minutes. So just pop on some clothes.”

“Ew. I’m going to look so rough!”

Laughing, Harry chucked a pillow at my head, causing me to throw it back. “You never look rough, Millie.”

I rolled my eyes and pulled myself out of bed. Remembering I had no clothes because I came here in my pyjamma’s, my only other option was to wear Harry’s clothes. Brilliant.

“Harry. I’m borrowing some of your clothes - I have none with me!”

“Okay” he replied, wandering in to the front room, allowing me to get changed. 

I walked over to his wardrobe and picked out a pair of slim fit joggers and a hoody. Once I slipped it on, I walked to the mirror and pulled my hair up in to a messy bun. Ew. I looked terrible. The boys were for sure going to take the piss.

“Looking gooood!” winked Harry, as I walked in to the front room. I hit him round the head, in which he replied with an over reactive “OWWW”. 


When we arrived at the studio, Liam, Niall and Zayn were already in there. “Hey guys. Woaaah, you just woke up, Melissa?” laughed Niall. I scowled at him and went to sit next to him. “Yes. Yes I have actually, Niall!”

Harry and Louis joined us all around the circular table, where Liam and Zayn were hovering over a piece of paper. “What you doing?” asked Harry. 

“We’re trying to think of the rest of the chorus verse for Moments. You know how we were struggling the other day?” Zayn frowned.

“Let me have another look...” said Louis, as he dragged the paper towards him, taking hold of the pen.

A few moments later, Louis handed the pen and paper back to Zayn with the completed lyrics. “ You know I’ll be your life, your voice, your reason to be, My love, my heart is breathing for this, Moment, in time, I’ll find the words to say, Before you leave me today… That’s really good man!”

The boys all agreed in unison and hi fived Louis in congratulations. They each went one by one in to the recording booth to record their solo parts of the song. Me and Niall were sat on the sofa discussing my birthday from 2 days ago. 

“So did you enjoy your meal with Harry then?” smiled Niall.

“Yes! It was absolutely beautiful! Did you guys know?”

“Of course we did! Why do you think all your gifts from us fitted in to a perfect outfit!” he laughed. I loved Niall’s laugh. It was the most cutest laugh I had ever heard, and it wasn’t often when you didn’t here it. 

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