run away

405 11 3

Akaashi pov


''What do you want akaashi, you and kuro were hanging out or something!'' Bokuto yelled

''n-no! its not what it looks like!'' akaashi panicked a lot

''then what the hell was it to you?.'' bokuto deadpanned

''....'' Akaashi was silent not saying anything.

His mind couldn't seem to come up with an answer, for bokuto. He was tied up in a situation he could not get out of.

''Well. Come to me once your done thinking. I''ll me on my way. Keiji. '' bokuto sighed and walked away.

3rd person POV

Bokuto's figure disappeared as he got further. Keiji still has no answer. The dark haired male had sat down to think about what had happened. Somebody else's presence was there.

''Kuro if thats you go away.'' Akaashi groaned

''no It's me Kageyama'' 




Hey long time no see.

Im thinking about rewriting this crappy story.

I'll update the chapters.

- with love tobio

II tied up love II bokuaka II kuroaka? IIWhere stories live. Discover now