endless thoughts and nights (chap 3)

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Kuroo pov: 

When I had read the texts, a sudden feeling of anguish had filled me. What if akaashi admired bokuto?? I have a million questions, going through my head right now. I had dated girls in the past but, I never found interest in girls. I'm pretty sure I'm better off with a guy.

Akaashi is like an elegant swan, with its long bright, silky wings (or feathers). All of these thoughts are making me feel utterly drowsy and sick.


Akaashi pov:

I woke up feeling an embrace around me, two long buff arms. They were cuddling me as if i was a prized possession. It was a feeling I missed.

'kou-san??'' I murmured

''ah- stahpp!' he almost kicked me

''get up, we're almost late for school idiot..'' I groan

''fine fine'' He got up and his hair was a jumble 

I seemingly looked red

  'keiji?? you look red, are you ok?!' he gave me a concerned  look

''I-Im ok..Let's just go'' I walked out the door

''you seemed attractive tho'' he gave a grin

''sure'' I said sarcastically 


bokuto pov:

Akaashi being in my arms for a week is all I can imagine of. Now, that He's staying over. That dream will come true.

''kou - san??'' akaashi studied me

''yes kaashi?'' I look back at him

''where's kuroo-san?'' keiji looked around

''mm. I'm not sure'' I mutter 

''ayoo! I'm here!'' kuroo walked over to us

I'm currently leaning on akaashi's shoulder >:)

''hello , kuroo-san'' Akaashi bowed

''akaashi, about that date. can you still make it?'' kuroo looked nervous

I'm currently trying not to go off on kuroo.

''uhm, sure. ill be there'' He nods

''Alright! awesome. Cya cutie! Bye bro! B)'' he walks off

''he called you cutie!'' I jumped

''calm down its just a pet name.'' He rolled his eyes

''keijjjiii'' I pout

''Oh, come on kou-san'' He held me

''I wish we could stay like this forever'' I say

''oh my god don't say that'' He gets red

''aha! ok, ill see you later!'' I let go'


im sitting in class very impatient, to see keiji.I'm too excited, but he's gonna go out with kuroo. What if they kiss?!! My head and heart hurts from thinking of this.

''bokuto, what's up?'' the teacher asked

''I have a bad headache and stomachpain..'' then I fainted 

now I'm at the nurse.

Akaashi has to pick me up now :)

''kotaro? why are you here??''Akaashi arrived

''I passed out..'' I whine

''ah. ok'' He sits next to me and leans on my shoulder

definitely a miracle.


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