the younger and the older p2

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Akaashi pov

Kageyama and I have reached my house, we both laugh as we're really out of breath

"how are you gonna play volleyball if you cant even run home? Kageyama laughed at me

"Hey! If theres a will theres a way!" I looked at him laughing

I unlock the door and turn on the lights.

"Make yourself at home alright?" I smile and take off my shoes

After a while, we both settle down after a fun night at the park and fields

Kageyama turns to me , "So, kaashi you sure you dont wanna talk to bokuto?" Kageyama looks at me with intrigued eyes letting me know his interest in my stupid love life.

"Your still on that huh?, well if you want me to be honest i don't know. Kuroo just kissed me out of nowhere you know? Didn't even give me a second to react.." I sigh and lay on my couch

Kageyama's eyes grow wide as saucers and he sits next to me. "Well jeez kaashi! You got two guys after you!"

Great, he didn't need to remind me. It's weird mot having bokuto texting me, even if it's 2:30 am right now I'd text him

"Moving on!, let's go to sleep alright? Today has been weird and fun."
I watch as kageyama walks towards the guest room and quietly shuts the door so he could sleep

I lay awake looking at the bare ceiling of my empty living room, until I hear knocks on the door
I look out my window , It's bokuto for some odd reason.

I get up and open the door and look up to see his face

"Keiji.." Bokutos face is very obviously agitated but none the less his eyes tell me other wise

"Kōtarō.. I'm so sorry. I really am Kuroo just kissed me out of nowhere"

I pause then continue

"Please forgive me, I really do care about you i'd never do a thing like that to hurt you on purpose.." I go on rambling

"Keiji. It's okay, you're my best friend alright? I confide in you, just don't do it again". Bokutos voice was stern yet forgiving

"Kageyama's sleeping over .. lets just stay talking outside okay?"

"Right. Anyway, kuroo hasn't stopped texting me about you. Would you answer so he'd stop texting!" Bokutos voice sounds a little agitated and uncomfortable

I lock eyes with him and sigh

"It's just so awkward after that, I-I don't know what to say!"

"Well then figure it out Keiji!" 

We both go silent my eyes meeting Bokutos eyes
Him and i remain silent, after all these years how come it only takes one person to make us realize how much i like Bokuto?

"Keiji just talk to me when you got your crap together. I can't deal with this"

I watch as bokutos figure get smaller as he walks father and father away from my home. I look down at my phone , its almost 3 am

I head inside as soon as I jump onto my bed I fall asleep into a deep slumber

I'll talk to kageyama about this later


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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