"Love has no bounds"

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Akaashi pov:

"Bokuto..why did you ask me that question involving Kuroo"

"I-I just got jealous! While you're talking to kuroo". Bokuto whined

"I just met him..besides my heart has been locked for somebody else.."

"O-Oh. Sorry I asked!.." Bokuto got up and walked home


Bokuto had headed home. I'm sitting in bed, texting Bokuto. I'd be nice to call him kōtarō or kō-San. That sounds really cute actually.. oh great- he added me in a group chat with kuroo.

                                                                                                  The groupchat

Cat-suro : heyy guys B)

Owl-bo: yo Kuroo!

gethelp: Bruh- go to sleep

Owl-bo: no ŪwŪ

Cat-suro: sleep is for the weak >:)

gethelp : I'm thinking about the fact how you two are lazy and clean your rooms

Owl-bo : h-how d-did you-

Cat-suro : im-

gethelp : Did you just stutter over text? , anyway im just smart like that. Night


 I'm laying down, wondering how kuroo and bo will get along. Truth is, i can't sleep. Bokuto is on the top of my mind...it's odd.Perhaps it's nothing. I've known bokuto since..middle school?
I have no idea how I tolerate them.

O o O

Bokuto pov:

I jumped out of bed, Really excited to see Akaashi. Today's the day I'll ask him out! Perhaps, I'll take him out for a movie?. Now that I've eaten, I sprint out the door to see Akaashi.

"Ah,Bokuto you're finally early" Akaashi gave a good smile

"Mhm, Akaashi you should smile more it suits you!" I spit out

"A-Alright fine.." i saw Akaashi blush

"Anyw-" i was cut off 😾

"Hey~" kuroo waved

"Hey kuroo-san!" Akaashi waved back

Of course! He has to come when I'm about to ask em out! Maybe Akaashi likes me?! He's just so pretty! I'll ask him if he wants to come over instead!

"Bokuto??" Kuroo yelled

"What!" I kinda yell

"Jeez..when's the project due¿" kuroo snickers

"End of the year" I roll my eyes

"Wanna walk together¿" kuroo smiles

"Sure..." I walk away

"AKAAAGAAASHI!!" I run and hug him

"H-Hey Bokuto-San" he hugs me back

"Eyo!" Kuroo hug Akaashi

"T-Too T-Tight..L-Let go.." Akaashi whined

"Sorry!" We both pull away

OMG OMG!IM FREAKING OUT! AKAASHI HUGGED ME! But he hugged kuroo too..tch.

"Kaashi! Let's go!" I hold his hand

"Mk..bye kuroo!" He waved

"Yeah..bye.." kuroo walked off

Now Kaashi and I are walking home. Talking, laughing, I want him to be mineeeee,But not yet.

"Bokuto everything ok?" Akaashi smiles

" oh! Yeah! I'm happy! " I blush at him

"Mk..are we going to your place?" I hold akaashi's hand

"Uh huh!"

Akaashi pov:

Bokuto held my hand! TWICE! Oml, is he gay?! I think he is. Why am I thinking about this-

"K-Keiji?" He blankly looks at me


Im shook by the fact he called me keiji

"We're here!" He opened the door

"Mk" Wheres mrs. And mr,Bokuto?...

"Kōtarō, Wheres your family?" I pat him lightly

"My parents left on a year long trip." He frowned

"Awh, I could stay if you'd like!." I smiled

Great my bestfriend is all alone.

"Kōtarō. Please let me stay!" I basically pleaded

"Okay okay..fine.only cause I can't say no to you.." he blushed

"Yay! You won't be alone now!" I hugged him

"I'm gonna go make dinner, I'll be back!" He sprinted away

I found another thing we have in common. Both parents are never home.

Bo, must be really lonely

"Keiji! Foods ready" he grabs my hand

"Thank you for the food!" I smiled

We've began eating, I was very ravenous. Bo, actually made good food. It was a meat buns with eggs!. God he knows me so well..

"K-Keiji do you like it?"

"Ofc! You know me so well!" I chuckle

"Thanksss" The taller male felll on to the couch

"May I l-lay down with you?.."

"Mhm" he opened his arms

"Thanks ÚwÙ" I lay down with Bokuto

(Sorry! I had to cut the chapter short! It's wayyy to long! Hope you enjoyed) - tobio

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