Goodbye for Now, Meggy..

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Well... it's finally time for Mario to go back home... him and Meggy were at the entrance sewer portal that brought them here and fell in love in first sight... but now, it's time to say goodbye for now.

Meggy: 😔 - Well Red... *Sniff* I guess this is goodbye...

Mario: 😊 - Hey, it's okay, don't-a cry, I promise I'll always visit you...

Meggy gave out a little bit of a sad smile to her Italian boyfriend, as she walked up to him and gave him a kiss on the lips; as Mario went with it.

The couple then took a breath from kissing, as they leaned their heads to each other.

*Orange Blushing*
- (Whispering) -
- I love you SO much... Mario.

- (Whispering) -
- I love you too... Meggy. I'll-a see you again soon, I promise I'll always love you no matter what.

 I'll-a see you again soon, I promise I'll always love you no matter what

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When the couple were done being hugging, Meggy waved goodbye to her Italian boyfriend, so did Mario too, as he went back to the exit where he once came from before and finally got where he came from

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When the couple were done being hugging, Meggy waved goodbye to her Italian boyfriend, so did Mario too, as he went back to the exit where he once came from before and finally got where he came from.

As soon when Meggy's smile turns into a frown to think Mario will probably forget her, an brilliant and cute plan she thought to MAKE SURE the Italian won't forget the adorable Inkling.

When Mario was about to jump in the pipe, he heard something approaches him, when he turns to his back to see who was the cause, Unexpectedly, Meggy grabs Mario and started to kiss the Italian frequently and is making sure he doesn't forget their time together.

It doesn't seem like Mario isn't going to forget Meggy anytime soon.
Peach's Castle Basement

When Mario got back where his first adventure with his lover was, he could not help but think about his beautiful and so ever hot girlfriend, but unfortunately Toads-worth hits Mario on the head for making a mess.

Toads-Worth: 🤬

But before the old Toad was going to hit him again, he noticed Mario's had orange kiss marks, but he didn't even bother questioning it. But in Mario's eyes, he didn't care... he didn't even care about what was happening, he was thinking about his beautiful, adorable, innocent and loving girlfriend as his eyes were half lowered...

What a adventure to remember.


The End


SMG4: If Mario was in... Splatoon (Mario X Meggy Edition)  Where stories live. Discover now