Chapter 15

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"I said stop following me!" I even pushed him hard.

Lisander was surprised. I was also surprised because I didn't realize he was on the outermost side of the sidewalk and because he wasn't ready, he stumbled backwards and almost fell on the road where at that time a car was driving in that lane.

Everything happened so fast, but I saw it like slow motion. The car is honking its horn. Lisander's startled face was lit up by that car headlights. I ran towards him while stretching out both of my hands to pull him. He looked at me wide-eyed and darted forward. My hand gripped his shirt. His hands grabbed my waist and


"YOU WANT TO DIE!" shouted the driver of the car.

My heart beating very fast. Lisander managed to push us back onto the sidewalk at the right moment with the car passing. Just a second late, we'll get hit by that car.

His hands are tightly wrapped around my body. My hands are bent in front of my body, inside his embrace, still tightly gripping the front of his shirt. With this closeness, I can feel his heartbeat is the same as mine, beating very fast. With hunting breaths, we stared at each other. His eyes were still shocked, which I believe reflected how mine was too.

We ignored the driver's screams. We remained standing in this position long after the driver had continued his journey.

I don't know what I was thinking but without buying any more time, I immediately leaned my face forward and it seemed that Lisander was also thinking the same thing so our lips met in the middle.

I kissed him hard. He kissed me back with the same intensity. We don't care where we are. We don't care about the people passing by. I kissed and kissed him. My hands took off his shirt slowly and crept up to his neck. His right hand also crept up and slipped behind my head. We pulled each other to deepen our kisses, and at the same time, we opened our mouths and brushed each other's insides. Our tongues fight for domination. We keep tasting each other for minutes until we start to become deprived of oxygen. I pulled myself and between my breath that was faltering I said,

"Take me to your place,"

Lisander stared into my determined eyes to find my slightest hesitation and not finding it. He released me from his embrace and took my hand. Hand in hand, he took me to get on the bus, which happened to be stopped at the bus stop. He asked me to sit in the window seat, and he sat next to me. We just looked ahead and didn't talk to each other. No one dared to speak.

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