Chapter 8

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When I opened my eyes, the world was spinning; I shut them so the dizziness would stop. After the feeling was gone my eyes fluttered open, I could see that I was back in my old room. Nothing changed the room was still a pale blue; it had my sketches on the wall. The room itself was very dull and bought back bad memories that I won’t be able to forget till the rest if my life.

I stood up, regretting it straight away. I used the bed to steady myself. When I made my way to the door I tried not to trip over my own feet, when I got there the door was locked. I then tried the windows thinking they would be open but didn’t have such luck. Sighing in frustration, I slid down the wall and bought my knees to my chest and just sat there helplessly.

After a while I heard loud footsteps coming in the direction of my room, so I quickly ran to my night stand and grabbed the lamp and hid behind the door, waiting for whoever it was.

When the door burst open, in came a man; no other then my father, if that is what I can call him. When he came in I took it as my chance and attempted to smash the lamp on his back but again, I had no such luck. He easily dogged it as if knowing that I’m going to attempt it.The lamp landed on the floor and my father grabbed my wrist twisting my hand backwards.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” He said bitterly. When he saw that I’m not going to anything he let go and shoved me into the wall. And just stood there.

“Why I’m I here?” I asked,

“Because I’m your dad, and this time your little friend isn’t going to help you.”

“You lost that title the minute you started abusing me.” I snapped at him and then adding, “Just let me go, please.

“No and if you try anything else to ty to escape then you won’t be the only one I’ll hurt.” He said coldly, and then added, “Maybe I’ll start with the two twins that I’ve seen you hang around with?”

“No I’ll stay but keep them out of this they won’t tell anyone.” I said quickly and urgently. I know what he is capable of if he doesn’t get what he wants. Maybe if I stay then he’ll change.

He didn’t say anything else. He kicked me a few times then was about to leave when someone knocked on the door. He turned towards me and picked me up by my hair then he angrily said, “ I swear if it is that boy again then he will regret coming here, now get cleaned up and answer the door.” He kicked me in the ribs then left, probably to clean the living room, so it actually looks like a room and not a bar.

I did as he said; I quickly put some concealer on my face to hide the small bruises. Then made my way to the door, but the knocking stopped. Maybe someone gave up and went away, I thought. But when I was in the living room someone banged on the door once again, I flinched at the loud bang, when I neared the door I put my shake hands on the door and looked thought the peephole to see who it is. There standing was a woman around her 20s; she had brown hair and was dressed very formally. I opened the door, with just my head peeking out.

“Hello, are you Ivy Smith?” I nodded and then she continued, “I’m Karen and I’m form the social services. Some people were worried about you so I just came to check to see how you’re doing. Is your dad at home?” she asked politely and then again I nodded not trusting my voice.

Before I could invite her in my father came downstairs and stood by me. Then he said, “Hello how can I help you?”

The women replied calmly, “I just explained to you daughter that I came around to see how she is living.” My father sent me a glare but motioned for Karen to come in.

When we walked to every room she had suspicion in her eyes all the time. When we were walking out of my room I accidently knocked the vase that was in the hall, then suddenly my father shouted, “Look where you’re going why won’t you!” the women looked at him and narrowed her eyes at my father as if to ask; What is that all about?

I quickly muttered an apology and we moved on. By the end of the visit the women wasn’t too happy probably because the house is too dirty and my father forgot to clean some beer cans.

“I see that everything is okay, just that the house needs a little bit of a cleaning and then it would be just fine.” Karen said, when she looked at me I could tell that she could see the fear in my eyes and the pleading for her not to leave me alone with him.

“I will ensure that thus house will be spotless.2 my father replied kindly. That is the first time I heard him like that.

The women nodded and headed out the door. Then my father turned towards me and shouted, “WHAT WERE YOU THIKING? SHE COULD HAVE COUGHT ME!”  He struck me so hard that I fell to the floor, and then he rapidly kicked me sending one hard blow to my ribs.

 When he was about to kick me again the front door burst open.

Suddenly my father was pulled away from me and I could see the police officer trying to make him still. Behind the police officer was Karen and Jason. She ran to me and reached her hand in order to help me which I gladly took. Jason was helping the officers.

All of a sudden my father was behind me, when I turned around Jason was trying to get to me but the officers didn’t allow him. My father pulled out something from his pocket. The reflection of the object was in the mirror behind my father. The object was a knife. With out any second thoughts he threw it in my direction. The knife skimmed past me just scratching my right arm.

“You missed.” I said confidently.

“Did I? Maybe I wasn’t aiming at you.” He said with humour in his voice. I didn’t get it though if he wasn’t aiming at me then who? Karen was at my left side all the time so who? And then it hit me it was…

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