Chapter 1- 9 years later...

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I was lying on the floor. Every one of my limbs was so painful and I dreaded every move I made. Then I saw him and as his fist was about to collide with my abdomen..

I woke up.

My heart was thumping rapidly and I was breathing hard. As I calmed myself I saw that it was already 7:00 so i dragged my self out if bed and picked my clothes that I'm going to wear- I decided for worn out black skinny jeans and a green sweater. Then I quickly got showered and dressed. i made my way down stairs once there I saw my father passed on the couch so I quickly put a blanket over him and started cleaning up the empty beer bottles.

Then I grabbed and apple from the counter and slipped out the door. I had a long walk as we lived on the out skirts of town so it was pretty far.

After and hour of walking I finally got to school - or in other words my personal hell.
As I entered the school and got to my locker I just couldn't believe what I saw on my locker.There were words that I was used to but still hurt me
Go and die
No one cares
And one that hurt the most..
It all your fault!

I could feel the sting behind my eyes. but from the corner if my eyes i saw the people responsible for this. So I had to hold the tears back I will not give them the satisfaction of my pain.

Then the hallway erupted in laughter. So I ran pass them but then tripped because of them pushing me around however as soon as I was on my feet i ran to the girls bathroom.

After that the group that was tormenting me didn't do anything eventful.

Even though I hated my school life it was far better then what was awaiting for me at home.

If you want me to continue please comment :) xx

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