Chapter 10

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It’s a week since he died, we are all devastated. Madison is crying every time I see her, but can you blame her. She blames herself that she let him go over to my house that day, but it not her fault, it’s mine and everyone knows it. For now I was staying at the house till Karen knows what do with me.

Today is his funeral, and I wrote a little speech to say what his friendship meant to me. It took me a long time to do so because at first it was hard to put all of it on paper. Right now all of us are surrounding his coffin, everyone said their speeches, now it my turn.

“At first I thought he was going to be the same as most of our school; laugh at me and bully me for the things I haven’t done but he didn’t. He and his sisters were my first real friends. When I told him that he won’t be anyone in this school if he’ll be friends with me, he still chose me over his reputation. When we were kidnapped by my psychotic father, he was there for me. When I couldn’t take anymore he told me stay strong. I thought that there was no one who cared for me but I was wrong; he did. After he discovered my secret he still stayed, knowing what he was signing up for. I gave him many chances for him to turn around and leave, he never did. I was the one who had a crap life, I didn’t have anyone to live for; he did and now he is the one that’s gone. His friendship meant a lot to me, so much that I can’t describe it, and I hope that he will rest in peace.” I was crying by the end of it. I moved toward his coffin and on top I put something which meant a lot to just like he did, like he still does; my golden heart locket that I got from my mum.

 After the funeral we all went over to the Daley’s house, to look thought albums and different memories from his child hood and life. When we reached their house everyone settled in, I went upstairs to his room. When I opened the door, his room was so lane no pictures on the wall or any personal things; everything was packed into boxes. It looked like a normal guest room.

“Looks plane huh?” a voice said, I turned around to see that it was Sami.

“It feels so empty without him, like he never existed.” I said trying not to cry.

Sami also looked like she was about to cry then I added, “ I know that it was only a week since he died, but already the only thing I can remember is his dying, which was all my fault. My father did that to break me; and he succeded. I just miss him.”

“We all do but he would want us and especially you to enjoy your life even when he isn’t part of it.”

She then turned around and went downstairs to join the party. I turned to face his room again and gave a weak smile. I’ll live for him, and more importantly I’ll live for myself.

When I went downstairs, I saw that Karen was there and motioned me to come over to her.

“We found someone who would look after you, permanently.” She said calmly.

“Who is it?” I asked curiously.

“Me” said a voice; I whipped my head around to see who it was. I was surprised at what I saw. A person that I haven’t seen for a long time. I was so happy; I quickly ran to her and hugged her. Then whispered, “ Lexie?”

“Yeah that’s me.” She replied happily.

“You came back like you said you would.”

“Yeah but I need to tell you the truth.” She said in a serious tone.

“Go on.” I was curious about her answer.

“You see when I used to work for your parents; it was no coincidence that I picked your house. I picked it because you mum was also my mum and your dad knew about it, because he was the one to talk your mum into giving me up to adoption. Well of course your mum didn’t allow it at first but he made her choose; me or her life style. She chose her life style for me. It may see weird but she did because back then she didn’t have a stable job which meant that if she chose me then I would have a pretty crap life without anything but by choosing him she was able to give me everything I needed. And when I turned the right age she asked me to be your babysitter, in that way I could get to know my half-sister without her even realizing it.” She said it with mixed emotions; happiness but sadness at the same time.

“I understand, and I’m happy that we’re related and that I’m going to get to live with you.” I replied.

“Yeah me too.”

We went to join the rest of the guest, half way through the party I had to go and pack my things so that I was ready to leave with Lexie when the party finishes. Next week is my father’s trail and now Lexie will be there for me to go through the last parts of my hell.

And this time it might be the start of something new, but this time it won’t finish. I’m going to keep my promise to Jason; I’ll keep living my live.


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