Chapter 17: Getting settled

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Since it was Sunday, she didn't have to go to work. Nothing had been unpacked so she couldn't make coffee or breakfast. Tig chuckled at her frown and suggested they head down to the diner to get some breakfast before starting the unpacking process. She quickly agreed as her stomach began rumbling. Getting dressed quickly, she followed Tig down to his bike. He loved how she felt on the back of his bike all pressed up against him. It made his heart flutter at the feeling as he drove along to their destination. When they arrived, they found two bikes already parked in the lot. Entering the diner, they found Chibs and Quinn sitting at a table. When Chibs saw who had walked in, he waved the pair over with a smile.

The waitress quickly walked over to take drink orders and hand out menus. Everyone greeted one another cordially before she thanked the pair again for their help in getting her moved so quickly. Chibs laughed and said it had been their pleasure to help before thanking her for providing dinner for them. She smiled and said it had been the least she could do for all their hard work that day. Quinn sat back and watched as Tig just smiled as he listened to her talking with his brother. The waitress came back to hand out their cups of coffee and take their orders. Once she left the group alone, Chibs turned his attention to Everleigh.

"'ow are ya feeling, lass? Since the poisoning?" Chibs inquired.

"Much better. I was afraid the tingling in my fingers and hands was going to be permanent which would have ended my career as a trauma surgeon. Thankfully it's gone away as well as the other symptoms so I've been able to go back to work." She explained.

"Dat's goo' t' 'ear." Chibs smiled at her.

"Very. I don't know what I'd have done if I couldn't go back to work." She shrugged.

"What do you do for a living?" Quinn inquired.

"I'm a trauma surgeon at St Thomas." She told him earning a head nod in reply.

"So what are the two o' ya up t' today?" Chibs looked between Everleigh and Tig.

"Starting the long process of unpacking boxes and getting settled into the condo." She chuckled.

"Sounds like fun." Chibs laughed with her.

"Moving is always fun. Not. It's a necessary evil I guess from time to time. It went a lot smoother with all of your help, though. I'll never be able to repay you gentlemen for all your hard work yesterday." She stated.

"It's ok, really." Chibs responded, accent getting thicker as the waitress arrived with his and Quinn's breakfast.

"That looks good. What is it?" Everleigh eyed Chibs' breakfast.

"Their supreme omelet." He told her.

The chatter was spent in getting to know one another a little better. Tig could only smile as his girlfriend interacted with his brothers. Their food finally arrived so the pair dug into their breakfast. It was going to be a long day for her so she wanted something hearty to keep her going throughout the morning. Chibs said they didn't have anything to do and would be happy to help her with the unpacking if she didn't mind them being in her home. She smiled and said she'd love the company of someone besides Tig which made him pout at her and the other two laugh. Tig paid for her breakfast with her protesting about it making Chibs laugh at the argument. The SAA finally won and walked her out to her bike. Chibs and Quinn followed Tig and Everleigh back to her condo.

Upon arriving at her new residence, she smiled and began thinking of what she wanted each man to start unpacking. Chibs let her tell them where she wanted them to start since it was her place and her things they'd be touching. Softly she asked Quinn to start unpacking the boxes for the living room. He nodded and moved to where the boxes were stacked up. Turning to Tig, she asked if he'd be so kind as to start unpacking her suitcases and hang up the clothes that needed to be hung up for her. He smiled, kissed her cheek, and headed down the hallway to the bedroom to do as she'd asked. Turning to the medic, she asked if he'd help her unpack and set up the kitchen and dining area. He quickly agreed as he followed her into the larger kitchen.

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