Chapter 29: To the rescue

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Tig hadn't been able to talk to Everleigh about getting his crow. Things had come up with the club and he was out late most nights. She always left him a plate in the microwave to heat up before she cleaned the kitchen and went to bed. He appreciated her thoughtfulness when he came in very late. The one night he was able to get off work from the shop and head straight home with no club business, she had been called back into work because of a multiple car wreck a few miles outside of Charming and she wound up work all night into a double shift. It sucked not getting to spend much time together but the club, and her job, came first.

A new club out of Modesto calling themselves the Santa de la Muerte, were giving the Sons fits. Tig was getting very frustrated when discussions about not selling drugs in Charming weren't going anywhere. Their leader, Manuel, always sneered at the bikers and taunted them about "what can you do to keep us from selling to willing buyers?". It infuriated Tig and Jax both. It was a sign of disrespect to the club which pissed off the Tacoma Killah who had to be held back by Chibs and Ratboy to keep from going after Manuel. When Jax told Manuel that they would burn every meth lab they saw in or around Charming to the ground, Manuel spat at the blond then nodded towards his men.

Guns were instantly drawn on the bikers. Not ones to be intimidated, they pulled their own weapons in self-defense. The Sons were slightly out-numbered but were going to go down guns ablazing if they had to. Manuel threatened to kill the entire charter if they kept messing with their operations. Jax promised he'd burn every meth lab down and then call in every charter of the Sons to help hunt down their people and annihilate them if it came to it. Manuel then proceeded to cuss at the blond biker in Spanish making Happy growl. Before Jax knew it, one of Manuel's guys began shooting making all the Sons react.

In the shoot-out, Chibs was shot in the shoulder making him cuss in Gaelic while trying to fire back. Happy was shot in the stomach which only pissed him off even more. When Manuel realized the bikers weren't going to back down, he told his boys to retreat while continuing to fire. Jax was hit in the arm in the process making him cuss and take better aim at the retreating Mexicans. "Call Everleigh, I'll call Tara." Jax told Tig who merely nodded. It was a hard ride back to the clubhouse for the three injured bikers but they somehow made it after Tig and Jax made their calls. Everleigh was able to clock out early so she quickly made her way to Teller-Morrow and wait for the group to return.

Quinn helped Happy into the clubhouse when they arrived. Ratboy helped Chibs who stated he was feeling light-headed. Jax walked by himself but Tig stayed close by in case he got dizzy or needed help. Tara and Everleigh were already there. Tara began working on Chibs while Quinn took Happy to the back room. Everleigh followed suit with her kit and told the Killah to remove his shirt so she could assess his wound. Happy groaned as he slid his shirt off the laid back down on the table. "I'm going to shoot an anesthetic around the wound to try and numb it while I work." she told him earning a simple grunt in response. She did as she told him she would and waited a few minutes to give the medicine time to get into his system and begin working.

After a few minutes, she dug her fingers into his GSW making him groan as she felt around for the bullet. It was lodged in there and she was sure it had splintered into several pieces. She frowned not liking doing this surgery on a table in the back of a biker clubhouse instead of in her OR where it was sterile and she had better equipment. Sighing, she knew it was all she had to work with and moved to dig into her bag for the tools she would need to work on the bald biker. The prospect entered with a bottle of Jack for Happy but Everleigh told him to take it back.

"I need it." Happy grunted.

"I'll give you a pain killer. You don't need alcohol in your system when I do." She retorted, voice firm, "And I'll write you out a prescription for a pain killer and antibiotic that I expect you to take as prescribed."

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