Chapter 39: Released

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Everleigh slept all afternoon. She had just woken up shortly before Gemma arrived after the shop closed down for the day. Gemma brought a grilled cheese sandwich and French fries from the local diner with her for Everleigh to eat figuring she was more likely to eat that than the horrid hospital food. She greeted Quinn who got up to give her the chair. Everleigh thanked Gemma for the food as she moved the bed to a more sitting position. She groaned in pain as she sat up, the wound from her surgery still very sore, her ribs making it even worse, plus all the deep muscle bruising she had from the wreck.

They talked about how she was feeling, when she was going to get out of the hospital, and how things were going at the clubhouse while Everleigh ate her dinner. Quinn told the Matriarch that nothing had happened while he was there other than hospital staff coming in to check her vitals and look over her chart. Gemma just nodded at the information. He excused himself so he could call Happy and give his report of the day. The long-haired blond told Happy about her sleeping all day due to the pain killer, that Gemma had just arrived with dinner for her, and they were just sitting around chatting for the moment. Happy grunted an "Ok" and said he'd have Juice relieve him in a little while.

Juice had remained at the shop doing more intel on Santa de la Muerta trying to figure out where their meth labs were located at in Charming, where their base of location was at in Modesto, and exactly how many members there were in the group. The assassin sat at a table nursing a beer as Juice typed away. He had been told to take care of the club while Jax and Chibs were inside. Bobby moved to sit down with him with his own beer.

"What's the verdict?" Bobby asked.

"Seems it's Santa de la Muerta that's behind it. Not sure why they chose her to attack." Happy replied.

"They're making a point they can get any of use since our Prez, VP, and SAA are all locked up in prison. None of us are safe from them." Bobby commented.

"Then what do we do, then?" Happy asked.

"We wait for word from Jax about how he wants to handle this." Bobby retorted making Happy grunt, "Personally, I think we should just take them out. Talking to them didn't work and now they're attack us for no reason."

It was odd for Bobby to immediately resort to violence. Happy would expect that from Tig or even Jax but not the FO. If he were suggesting it, things really were dire.

"I guess we wait then." Happy stated before taking a swig of his beer.

"How's Everleigh doing?" Bobby inquired.

"Pain killer she was given knocked her out and she slept most of the day. Woke up not too long ago. Gemma brought her something to eat from the diner. Girl's in pain from surgery and broken ribs & limbs." Happy answered.

"Well, her car did roll several times. She's lucky to be alive." Bobby commented.


"I'm heading home. See you tomorrow, brother." Bobby finished off his beer then headed out to his bike.

It was a week before Everleigh's doctor thought she was healing to his satisfaction and signed her release forms. He sent her home with a pain killer and an antibiotic to take to stave off any infections as well as a pair of crutches for her to use with her broken leg. She was wheeled downstairs where Gemma was waiting for her. Happy and Quinn were already at her condo waiting for their arrival. She winced as she eased herself into the passenger seat of Gemma's car before taking her crutches from the nurse. Once she got her door shut and seatbelt on, wincing in pain over that as well, they were off. She was afraid of what her house would look like with Happy staying there.

Gemma called Happy before they left the hospital to let him know they were on their way to the condo. The Tacoma Killah had made everyone start checking in with him whenever they went somewhere so he knew when they should arrive at places. Any one of them could be targeted next and Happy hated not knowing. He was not a patient man and not being able to do anything to these cocky little bastards pissed him off. They were messing with his club, his family, and no matter how badly he wanted to go rogue and take care of them himself, he was bound by what his President told him.

After Rosen's meeting with Jax, she'd come back and said he'd told her to let them they were to leave Santa de la Muerta alone and that he had something in the works with the Aryans. It irritated Happy but he had to abide and trust in his Prez. Everleigh sighed as her stomach began making noises on the way to the condo. Gemma promised she'd make her something to eat before she left earning a wide smile and thanks in response. The drive was painful for Everleigh as it was the last time she had broken ribs but tried not to make too much noise about it. They finally pulled into the condo's parking lot and found a space. Gemma walked around to help Everleigh out of the vehicle. She was unsteady on her crutches so Gemma did her best to help her walk to the steps. Everleigh sighed not knowing what to do.

Quinn stepped out of her condo for a smoke and noticed the two women. He smiled as he descended the stairs and offered to take her up the stairs. Everleigh sighed with relief and thanked him before he gently picked her up bridal style and walked back up the stairs. He set her on the ground next to her door where she thanked him for his help as he lit up a smoke. She slowly entered her home, mentally preparing herself for the disaster that was surely to be her home. When she entered, she found it nearly spotless. There were two glasses on the coffee table, clearly where Happy and Quinn had been sitting before their arrival, but otherwise the condo was as she had left it when she left the house last.

"You look surprised." She heard Happy's deep, raspy voice exclaim.

"Sorry. I was expecting a mess with a man living here while I was in the hospital." She replied making Gemma laugh.

"Happy hates messes. He's a neat freak." The older woman told her.

"Oh. Well thanks for keeping my house clean." Everleigh told him earning a rare smile from the bald biker.

"Let me start making you something to eat, baby. Have you boys eaten lunch yet?" Gemma asked.

"No. We were debating on what to do since she was coming back." Happy replied.

"I'll make some grilled cheese sandwiches for you then." Gemma stated, "Just point me to where everything is."

"You go get settled somewhere." Happy instructed Everleigh.

She sighed but did as she was told. Besides, she was already getting tired just from the little she'd done that morning. Getting dressed, going on a car ride, and standing in her living room. She set down in a recliner then scooted around, wincing in pain again, until she was comfortable, then lifted the leg portion up for her busted leg. Happy walked over and asked "Water or OJ?" making her stare at him for a moment before she replied with "OJ". He poured her a glass of OJ then brought it too her while Gemma made them lunch. Quinn finished his smoke and walked back into the condo. She smiled at the long-haired biker as he sat back down in his place on the couch.

She sat there as Gemma made lunch, Happy hovered in the kitchen, and Quinn sat on her couch watching TV. With a sigh, she turned her attention to the TV to discover the pair were watching some reality TV show about tattooing. All she could do was shake her head with a slight smile. She'd gotten into the show and was startled when Happy handed her a plate with two sandwiches. "Eat." he told her before walking back into the kitchen. She grabbed a sandwich and dug in. She didn't get lunch at the hospital because they wanted to run a few more tests before she was released. Then afterwards it was getting her discharge papers, getting dressed, and then actually being released.

As she ate, her mind drifted to Tig wondering how he was doing. She thought he must be going crazy having not heard from her in well over a week. That night would be a good time to sit in bed and write him a long letter explaining everything and letting him know how much she loved him and wished he was there with her. After Gemma cleaned up from cooking, she bid everyone goodbye. Everleigh thanked her for driving her home and making them lunch. Gemma just smiled before leaving the three of them alone. Everleigh wondered why Quinn was there when Happy had told her Tig had told him that he wanted him to move in temporarily to help take care of her.

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