Chapter 8

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I found myself in a daze quite often. I guess I was trying to escape my reality. It wasn't hard for my mind to go blank. Helping this girl might take my mind off of things for a while.

After a brief discussion I offered my sister to drive. She was already moved out and in another city, why did I even bother. I pretended to text her so I didn't have to explain my horrible idea- and most of all, my family situation.

"Hey! Whoever you are, a little help here." It was the girl. She was obviously asking for my help. As I helped her up I realized how sensitive my bruises really were. She was looking at me in such a way that's really hard to picture. Almost worried, but also comfortable with being close to me. Thank goodness for mint gum, otherwise she would be smelling my terrible breath.

A lot of the time my thoughts would overrun reality. I would imagine how I might have had a future if my parents were better people. Not your 'white picket fence life,' but a good one. A life with meaning and laughter. Not that my life didn't have meaning before my mom's late night shifts and my dad's drinking problem. It was such a long time ago, I can barely remember any of the good things that they actually did.

As I helped the girl to the seat I could see how impressed she was by the car. Or maybe I just wanted her to be.

Doing things I wasn't supposed to made me acquire a powerful mindset, which I always yearned for. It was no secret that I wasn't the perfect child and I wasn't afraid to show it. That's why I always believed I deserved to be hit, because my father was just making me into a better person. I even tried to turn my life around once. After a while I realized it wasn't my actions he hated, but it was just me, no matter how I acted. Then I began to not care at all.

The girl who I now know as Nora was sitting in the passenger seat of my dad's precious Ford Mustang GT, he would be so mad if he knew. Nora looked slightly worried.

"So are you old enough to drive? I don't want to get in trouble with the police." She seemed agitated and very fidgety. Yep she was definitely a goodie two shoes.

"Don't worry, my dad's a cop," I winked. This was actually partly true, my dad was a cop.

Nora was so easy to make mad, it was almost funny. I could see the anger she held inside her eyes, fierce and ready to pounce. Sure she was a goodie two shoes with a soft side, but she sort of had this 'fuck off ' vibe as well. You might wonder how I know. As soon as I turned on the radio she glared at me like I was trying to ignore her or something. Nora's face soon softened when she heard the sweet guitar playing from the song, Basket Case by Green Day.

Trust me people who listen to them don't give a crap about anything, I'm one of them. Or maybe they do care, but also have a side that doesn't care at all, that must have been the case with Nora- or should I say the 'Basket Case.'

Most of what we talked about blurred into my mind and was swallowed by my fears. It's not like I wanted to forget the good memories, but the bad ones outlived the good ones I guess.

A playful thought entered my mind. Lots of the guys at my school would flirt with the girls by taking pictures of them. I guess it made them feel special, even though they always pretended to hate it. Besides I didn't really have anyone to take pictures of anyway.

When I pulled out my phone she got mad, as I expected.

"Hey! Why are you taking pictures of me?!" I just smiled. I'm not sure why, but having someone who actually listened to what I had to say- it made me feel like I was flying.

"So later on we can look at how we met." Nora took a second to think about what I had said. Her nose and cheeks were soon dusted with red. Nora looked down and back at me.

"Well maybe don't take them while driving. Ok?" It was clear Nora didn't want to die because of my reckless actions. I nodded in response.

We talked a bit more and I noticed a noise of pain escape her lips.

"Ouch!" Nora squirmed around in the seat trying to get comfortable.

"Did you forget about your ankle already?" I rolled my eyes and returned a smile.

"I guess you made me forget." Nora looked down a moment, but I couldn't stop looking at her. Did she appreciate me that much that she'd actually forgotten about her probably broken ankle?

I guess I had forgotten about the scars and bruises my dad ingrained into my body while being with her also. Maybe I actually had something in life to look forward to.

We were now both holding a gaze with each other. It seemed like the perfect moment for a kiss, just like the movies, but the movies, they were fake.

I knew it was too good to be true. A car from behind was now honking at me.

"Shit!" Nora was too mesmerizing I had completely forgotten I was in the middle of the street, driving a goddamn car.

I wanted to run away and hide, but instead I found myself angry. I pushed the gas petal down and began to increase speed. I knew I was going fast, but what's the fun in going slow. I could tell Nora was frightened, but I didn't look at her. I just kept my eyes straight on the road ahead.

Maybe we could both die together...

I immediately threw that idea out of my head. What was I even thinking. I just knew I had to get my anger out and this seemed to be the best way.

Why did that idiot even honk at me, the light had pretty much just changed. I could see him behind me still. No wonder he honked he was in a Dodge Caravan. Bet he felt super cool in his old-lady-with-six-kids-shitbox. I felt like flipping him off, but then I remembered Nora.

I didn't like that Nora was seeing me mad, especially when we pretty much just met. I felt like I was slowly turning into my dad everyday and I hated it.

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