Plans Made, Broken, Then New Plans Made

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Saturday RPOV

I had a really good sleep last night, after I got off the phone with Dimitri. It was the first time in I don't know how long, my dreams didn't turn into nightmares. It was always the same nightmare. It was my living nightmare that landed me in the hospital almost eight months ago. Adrian coming towards me, dragging me back down the hallway, throwing me down his marble movie style staircase again and getting away it. Only because his "Queenly" Aunt was head of the law enforcement and ruled that I tripped down the stairs with a load of laundry. Adrian, only because he thought I was dead; had quickly ran and put clothes in a basket and tossed some all over the stairs; making it look like that is what had happened. My friends and I knew what happened through and a cop, not under Tatiana's thumb had issued me a restraining order against him. I was too scared of him to do anything else. The cop had convinced me to get the restraining order.

I decided to take a good book and go sit down by the lake on my parent's property. I just wanted to read and relax for the rest of the day and enjoy my new look on life. In the short time that I have known Dimitri, he has made me realized that I have a life worth living. Over the past week I noticed the small changes in me. I was smiling more, relaxing more often and I was starting to feel again.

The last change scared me. I was feeling something for Dimitri, but I was scared to let it show too much. I was scared to get hurt again. I could tell though, that he would never hurt me in the ways that Adrian did. I could see it in his eyes and the way he talked about his family. There was so much love and peace in his eyes.

I was deep in thought reading my book when I heard some rustling over in the trees. The noise brought me out of my trance, so I went over to investigate. While I was heading to the tree line I heard some branches creaking. As I neared the nosies, my phone started buzzing. Making me jump. I turned back heading for my phone, which I left by the lounge chair down by the lake. As I walked I looked out over the lake and noticed some storm clouds creeping in. "The animals sense the storm. They must be getting restless and that is what caused the noise." I thought to myself.

I opened my phone to see that I had received two text messages.

First one read : "Hey Rose, I just wanted to let you know that I will not be calling you today. I had a long long night with Christian and I plan on spending all day in bed.. *wink,wink*..Enjoy your time alone and relax, you deserve it.. See you when you get back.. Lissa..Ps..Love you :)" I laughed to myself and shook my head.

Continuing on into the house, I opened the second one it was from Dimitri. A small grin creeped onto my face.

It read: "Good day Roza. I didn't want to call you in case you were still sleeping. " I did my 'aww' face again. "I didn't want to disturb your beauty sleep. Not that you need it, because you are already beautiful. I will be working on a report with an old friend all weekend and might not have the chance to call you. If you need me, don't hesitate to call me. No matter what the time is.. Here is my address in case I don't talk to you before you get back. 644 Long Shore Road, Apt 3C, building two. It's on the third floor. Talk to you later..D :)"

I went inside before the storm came.


It was Saturday morning and I woke by the ringing of my phone. I quickly answered with a smile thinking it was Roza. "Good morning Beautiful." I tried to sound chipper because I was just woken up and I couldn't be upset being woken up by Roza.

"Good morning Cupcake." It was my old friend from the force. The friend that I agreed to help with one last case. "Who are you calling beautiful? Is someone in lovveee?"He drugged out, trying to get me to spill.

Normally I wouldn't tell Mark about my love life, but Roza was different. I decided to tell Mark just a bit about Roza. "There is this girl..."

"Well I sure hope that it is a girl," Mark quickly added in.

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