Chapter 1: What A Lovely Day

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"WHAT THE FUCK?! I CAN'T FIND MY SOCKS!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. I woke up having a bad mood and finding out that my socks got lost just made me want to burn the whole house.

"Oooh. You mean this?" I turned around and saw Connor holding a pair of white socks. You can see the evil smirk on his lips. Yes, my brother is evil. He's a devil.

"Give me my fucking socks or I will kick your ass." I hissed.

"Only if you make me some breakfast." he crossed his arms.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. Just give me my damn socks first."

He tossed the socks and I immediately caught it. Ugh. I freaking hate my brother. It's our daily routine. He gets my things, I get mad at him, he'll give it back but with conditions and there's nothing that I can do but follow him. HAHA. Fuck this shit. I quickly wore my socks and put on my shoes. After that, I went downstairs and head to the kitchen to make my brother some fuck damn breakfast. I cooked him some bacon and eggs. You see, another reason why he always asks me to cook is because he's a terrible cook. One spoonful of his dish and you'll surely be throwing up. I'm not exaggerating. It's the horrible truth. After giving Connor his breakfast, I took my things and bid him goodbye.

*20 mins. later*

Oh great. So far, I'm having a wonderful morning. First, because of my brother who happens to be an asshole. Second, someone played a prank on me once I went inside the classroom. I HATE boys. No. Scratch that. I LOATHE them. They always do things which they think are funny and cool. And now it looks I'm their target for today.

"Hey, Logan. You know things would be better if you just stay out of my way." I said in a monotone voice.

"Oooh. It looks like Mia isn't in a good mood today huh. How about we go somewhere else? I know you want some pleasure right now, babe." he winked at me. HA. What is he thinking? Does he think that he can seduce me or what? Hahahaha! Nice try.

"Nice try but no. I'm not here to play games with you." I rolled my eyes.

"Trying hard to get, eh? Let's see about that." He took my arm and pulled me out of the classroom.


Hey guys. I'm sorry if Chapter 1 is sooooo short. But don't worry. Chapter 2 will be long. Hehe. ;))

- CutieKiss

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