Chapter 11: Secrets and Surprises

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"How are things?" Mr. German asked.

"Please introduce yourselves first." Ven said.

"Oh. We're so sorry. How rude of us." The blonde chuckled. "I'm Blake. And my German friend here is Ace."

"Oh. Okay." Was Jen's reply.

"Afgtipghlkj." Isabel murmured.

"Huh?" Ree entered the conversation.

"She's drunk." Ven answered for Isabel.

"Where's David?" I inquired.

"He's at the comfort room." Ree said.

I nodded in reply. I glanced at Jake and saw the dark aura between Blake and him.

"Jen, would you like to be my dance partner later?" He smiled. Blake has charms and it's undeniable.

Louis coughed at Blake's offer. He looked at Jen and she said sweetly,

"I would love to."

"I gotta take a wee." Louis stood up and went to the bathroom.

"I gotta take a wee too." Jake kissed my forehead again and followed Louis.

Something is not right here.

[Louis's POV]

I quickly opened the door of the men's comfort room and closed it behind me. I took a deep breath and wiped the tear that escaped from my eye. I opened the faucet and washed my face.

"I would love to."

The way Jen replied to Blake was so fucking sweet. It was so fucking flirty and I despise it.

"THAT SHOULD BE ME!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

"Shit. What happened?!" Jake opened the door and held my shoulders.

"I'll never have.. a ch-chance on her." I looked down.

"I knew it!" Jake ran his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"I like her, bro." I sniffed.

"Don't cry. Please." He said to me.

"Pfft. You never cried because of a girl before, Jake?" I glared at him.

"I did." He looked away.

"You know, you truly love her if she ever made you cry." I chuckled, shaking my head.

"Yeah." He agreed.

"Let's change topic for a minute. What's up with you and Blake?" I questioned.

"Something happened back then." He sighed.

"Can you tell me what it is? It will be our little secret." I gave him a thumbs up. He laughed.

"A few years ago, Blake instructed me to break Mia's heart." He confessed.


"At first, I said 'no'. But I had no choice when he threatened me about killing my family if ever I will not follow his instructions. And because of that, I forced myself to like Kate Jones and Mia hated me for it."

"What the heck." I can't believe what I just heard from Jake. He kept his secret for years. As for me, I'm more of the shy type so I don't usually tell my secrets to anyone, especially to my friends. And now, Jake already knows my secret. I'm in love with Jen.

"I know right. I'm so helpless back then." He said sadly.

"Were you able to like Kate Jones?"

"Yeah. But it was just a crush. A fling. She's a very nice girl but Mia is still better than her." He smiled.

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