be careful

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Both boy's wake up happier than ever after the night before
doyoung yells smiling
"ok why are you so happy you are scaring me"
yedam say's sarcastically as the younger
has never said anything affectionate other then
"i love you" to him
"im regreting saying that now"
doyoung say's as he walks past the older to get himself some food
"NO no i loved it so goodmorning to the love of MY life"
yedam yells as he goes to back hug doyoung
"ok i don't regret it anymore"
doyoung turns around to kiss yedam a kiss on the lips when they hear
"YUCK not in front of my salad"
doyoung and yedam both laugh as yoshi
walks past them
"at least you don't have to hear fucking all the time, my poor ears can't take it anymore"
yedam say's as he puts his hand's up to his ear's while pouting
"one more peep out of you and ill beat the shit outta you"
the room goes quiet for a little bit until doyoung say's
both of the boys laugh and yoshi
looks at them with a serious face "hey are you guy's going to jihoon's party later?"
"actually we are"
yedam say's while he serves himself some water
"oh ok" yoshi say's as a smirk appears on his face "whats with that face?" doyoung say's
as he is starting to get suspicious of the older
"nothing but i have to go.... pick out an outfit for later" yoshi say's as he run's out of the kitchen and into his room
yedam comes back from grabbing ingredients from a cabinet and say's
"whats up with him?" doyoung
signals to him that he doesn't know



YOSHI:hey jihoon you know how you are going to have a party later?
JIHOON: of course its my party
YOSHI: whatever but i have a GREAT IDEA
JIHOON: and that is?
YOSHI: you know how we have both once made our boyfriends like leave because we were horny?
JIHOON: sadly yes, yes i do
YOSHI: we should try to do that but with yedam and doyoung
JIHOON: genius is what you are. but uhm how exactly are we going to do that?
YOSHI: i planned this out ok so, we get doyoung drunk but he always get's drunk during your parties but that's besides the point, so when he is turnt you bump into him on accident and then later on i'll trip in front of him and we will tell yedam that doyoung got drenched and he has to change him and we all know that because yedam will be changing doyoung, doyoung will try to yk and yedam will stop him and he will get horny and then our plan should work
JIHOON: i see so many flaws in this plan but ILL DO IT! i wont let you down 😔🔫
YOSHI: ok but i have to go now BYE
JIHOON: byeeee


"what time is it?" yedam say's as he
wants to go for a hike with doyoung for a little
"its 8:56pm, why?"
yedam yells as he completely lost track of time
"i have my outfit ready i just have to put it on so good luck to you"
"fuck" yedam whispered under his breath
yoshi say's as he is almost out to door
he hears rustling so he thinks to himself
"are they at it already? wtf"
he leaves the house to leave the two boys alone
"hurry the fuck up yedam"
doyoung say's as he is now waiting for the older to finish "ok lets go" yedam say's as he holds the door open the door for the younger.

                 THEIR OUTFITS



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