Best Day

402 16 1

March 9, 2012

What's good Journal

Today was a great last Glee practice with Madea. Well after...

When I walked into the choir room Kurt was talking to the band. I'm assuming that since he hasn't performed yet that it's about that. When I sit down I noticed Finn and Rachel walk in hand in hand. I smiled at them before I started gearing myself up for my performance today. I watched Sam walk in and smiled when he came and sat beside me. Before I could say anything to him Madea and Sue walked in looking upset. I got up to go and talk to Madea when Puck walked into the room.

"Come over here boy." Madea said to him. Puck looked at her for a minute like a deer caught in head lights. As he slowly began to walk to her everyone else filed into the room. "Boy you better walk faster." Madea nearly yelled. Everyone stood in silence as Puck hustled over to Madea. "Yes ma'am?" Puck asked when he was there. "Where you been Puck?" Madea questioned with folded arms and a raised eyebrow. Puck's face became pale but he still answered with a nervous chuckle "No where. Why do you ask?" Madea looked Puck in the eyes and said "No where? Okay so why is it when I got here I had to here from Sue that you didn't attended any classes today?" Puck eyed Sue for a minute before looking at Madea and said with an attitude "I don't see what the big deal is. It's not like I was out doing something stupid. I was just under the bleachers having a day off." Through out his whole little speech I saw Madea getting angrier and angrier. "Sue you better get him cause I'm bout to snatch that tongue right out of his mouth." Madea said while taking a step back.

"Puckerman do you want to be a Lima loser your whole life? Cause that's where your headed." Sue told him. Puck looked her up and down before saying "What do you care? Your only helping us so you can keep your precious little cheerios." Before Sue could say anything Madea grabbed him by his jacket pulled him to her while saying "One don't be talking to her like you crazy. Two we do care that's the whole reason we're talking to you right now." Puck was about to interrupt until Madea said "Don't even look like you want to say anything before I'm done talkin." Puck looked down shaking his head defiantly so she continued "I see imma have to take you back to the game I use to play with my daughter. It's called tear that ass up." Before anyone could do or say anything Madea had pulled out a belt and began to whoop Puck. "You" smack "better" smack "not" smack "let" smack "me" smack "hear" smack "about" smack "you" smack "skipping" smack "school" smack "again" smack. When she was finished she dropped the belt and pulled him to her and said "I want you to be the best man you can be and you can't do that without a diploma. So you need to get it together do you understand me?" Puck nodded with tears running down his face. She pulled away from him and gave him a tissue and told him to sit down before she turn around to address the class who all where staring with their mouths wide open.

"Okay so who's going to start us off on our last day together?" Madea said to all of us. I think we were all still a little shell shocked because we couldn't stop looking between Puck and Madea. I guess she was still a little fed up because she yelled "Y'all stop looking between us and someone get yo ass up here." Kurt was the first to snap out of it. He got up from his seat and walked to the front of the room and said "Well I guess that will be me. I want to dedicate this song to my soulmate." As soon as the music began to play Madea stood up and walked over to Kurt with her hand up. After the band stopped short she said "Boy that's Lenny Williams. He put that song up so high can't nobody do that song. Don't do that to yourself." Kurt smiled and said "Trust me Ms. Madea I got this one." Everyone in the room began to chuckle and cheer Kurt on and Madea said "You letting them psych you up but okay if they wanna hear you do it go ahead and do it." before she went and sat back down. The music began to play again.

Girl, you know I love you

No matter what you do

And I hope you understand me

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