Chapter 20: Start Over ✔️

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I get up, ready to run after him when Newt grabs me from behind, pulling me back. "Newt, he's gonna get kill-!"

I'm cut off by Newt putting his lips on mine. The whole world just stops, nothing matters other than me and Newt. He pulls out sooner than I wanted. "I love you." He says, looking into my eyes. He looks at me for a few more seconds before turning and sprinting off to help Vince.

I stand there for a second, dazed by what just happened. An explosion brings me back to the real, horrible world. I look at where I last saw Thomas where Jorge is now holding him back. One of the WICKED helicopters takes off, flying away. I run over to Thomas and Jorge as the other helicopter closes it's doors and takes off, leaving us, hopefully, alone.


I pick up the helmet of a WICKED guard and look at it for a few seconds.

"Spence!" I look up as Pip runs over. She pulls me into a very tight hug like if she let go, I'd disappear. 

"Hi, Pip." I say, quietly, holding onto her.

"Where's Kat?" She asks, looking up at me. "And Aris, Sonya, Luna?"

I stay quiet, not daring to say that WICKED took them, but I can't lie. Pip has to be brave and be able to know how to deal with this. I know, that doesn't sound like the best advice, but...that's the world we live in now.

"WICKED has them." I say, quietly.

Pip stays quiet before pulling me into a tighter hug. "Please don't leave like them." She whispers.

"Never." I reply.

"Spencer?" I look up to see Newt standing in front of me. "I just wanted to say I...I wasn't lying." He says, playing with his hands. He looks up at me and into my eyes. Pip lets go of me and I take the two steps to Newt before pulling him into a hug. Once he realizes what's happening he wraps his arms around me.

"You know." I say, pulling out a little. "I love you too." I lean forward, closing the gap between our lips.

"Ew." I come out to look at Pip. "I'm gonna go find Harriet, because that's just disgusting." She says after a minute of silence, turning and walking away. I look back at Newt who's smiling and shaking his head lightly.

"What do we do now?" Fry asks, looking out over the destroyed camp. Newt and I look over to him as we let go of each other.

"Well, we pick up what's left of us, stick to the plan, and get you kids to the safe haven." Vince speaks up, sadly. "And we start over, I guess."

There's a pause. Nobody knowing what to say. "I'm not going with you."

Everybody looks at Thomas, confused. "What?!" Vince asks, talking for all of us.

"I made a promise to Minho. I wouldn't leave him behind. I have to go find him." Thomas explains.

"Look around, kid!" Vince says, standing up. He gestures around us to the destroyed camp. "WICKED just kicked our ass! You think about where you're headed."

"I'm not asking anyone to come with me." Thomas says, looking around.

"Thomas, listen to me." Newt says, stepping forward. "I've known Minho long as I can remember. So, if there's any way we could help him, trust me, I'd be up there standing next to you. But this? What you're talking about? It's impossible."

"I promised Kat I'd get everyone out of that maze. Then I promised when we got out, I'd protect all of them." I say, looking up to Thomas. "But Newt's's impossible."

"More like suicide." Jorge speaks up, stepping towards Thomas.

"Maybe. But I know what I have to do now." Thomas says, picking up his bag and gun. He sighs, looking around at the rest of us. "It's not just about Minho...or Kat. It's about all of us. It's about everyone WICKED's ever taken. Everyone they will take. They'll never stop. They'll never stop so, I'll stop them." He says, looking around us before stopping at Vince. "I'm going to kill Ava Paige.

There's another silence where we all stay quiet, looking at Thomas. "I have to admit." Harriet says, breaking the silence. "I'd like some revenge."

Vince sighs. "That's a good speech, kid. So, what's your plan?"


I look over at Newt. "Do you really think we'll be able to get them back?"

He looks up at me, but doesn't say anything for a minute. "I dunno." He finally replies. "Maybe. But it'll take a lot of planning and twice as much luck."

I look up as the truck comes to a stop. Vince gets out of the truck to look around. "I think this'll work! Let's start getting unpacked!" He yells, walking back to the truck.

I glance at Newt before picking up my backpack and gun before getting out of the vehicle. I look around, glancing at the broken down bridge.

"I guess this'll work." Newt mumbles from behind me as he also gets out of the truck.

"Come on, let's help unpack." I say, turning towards the trunk of the vehicle, opening it. I grab the tent pieces out of it and put it on the ground, getting ready to set it up.

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