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(I'm Back >:D [OmgitspastmidnightwhatamIdoingupsolate-] Les goooooooo!)

Grillby P.O.V.

I watch as Adam cooks some of the food we found over a small campfire. I sigh and check all my pockets for anything to get rid of when I took out Gaster's phone from my back pocket. I have not noticed that I have been carrying this around the whole time? I think to myself as I try to open it.

I manage to get past the password, because I know it, and look through his phone. I end up coming across his camera roll, and some of them are from when we were dating, which surprises me. I scroll through them. There was one of Gaster boiling water on my head, another of Sans and I fighting about his tab. There are so many photos, but the one I love the most is a photo after our wedding. Gaster in the bride dress, and me in a tuxedo. And with Sans and Papyrus in the background fighting about puns. I chuckle, not really realizing that Adam is over my shoulder. 

"Yeah, I still think Gaster looks better in a dress than a suit," Adam says. I jump and turn the phone off. "Why do you say that??" I say, looking at him. "Back when he was a child, Gaster would always try on a suit. Then his mother would make him wear a dress for fun." Adam explains, giving me a portion of food and chuckles. "Boy did he feel embarrassed for wearing a dress." I smile and started to eat. "He still felt a little embarrassed during our wedding for wearing the dress." We both smile at the memory of Gaster trying to get out of wearing a dress.

Then it went quiet between us. No smiles, no small talk, no nothing. It is pretty awkward. I did a cough. "So uh, when should we start going again?" I ask. Adam doesn't look up from his food. "Tomorrow first thing." He says. I nod, finish my food and doze off. I better get as much sleep in as I can. (Bish how can you fall asleep just like that meanwhile I can't?!)

Jackie P.O.V.

I watch as the two falls asleep from the cameras and smile a little. At least they can sleep... If I do, Gaster might just die... I think to myself as I go to check on him. I check his pulse. Still going. Slow, but going. I replace the bandaging on his wound, pull up a chair next to him, and sit down. I watch him breathe for a minute before sighing.

"You know Gaster... You probably can't hear me, but I need to get this off my chest. I'm... jealous of you. You have a husband, a good job, and a great family. I don't have any of that. I used to have an adopted son, but he died due to a car crash that decapitated him. The Journal place I worked at always was at my throat for anything I do." I sigh again and get up. "I should shut up. You can't hear me, and I should start getting ready..." I leave the room and grab the gun. I will need more ammo...

??? P.O.V.

I watch as the man in the old lab wanders off to a different room, then teleport in. I look through everything in the room. The tazer, cloak, first-aid kit, folders, papers, everything. I look in another room and I see a skeleton person on a table passed out. I looked around and teleport over to the skeleton. I poke him, just in case he is faking. 




Nope! Not faking! I smile and check him for wounds until I find the bandaging on his leg. I felt my smile turn to a frown. I would heal it, but my friend is waiting for me. Then I get an idea. I take a syringe and use it to take some of my blood and then I give it to the skeleton since he felt so cold. I smile as I'm proud that I might have managed to save this man's life, then teleport away.

Jackie P.O.V.

I sigh, not being able to find ammo and come back to the room, only to find everything is a mess. The folders, papers, everything. I wonder who could do this, but I shake my head and begin cleaning up, only then finding ammo under the desk. I facepalm. "Oh, NOW I find some," I grumble, taking them and setting them on the top of the desk, then begin cleaning up again. I sigh. I really hope I have enough time to come up with a plan...

Because I don't have one.

(Doneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :'D I'm so happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Now Imma sleep until time doesn't exist, bai you very very very very very pretty people.)

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