Chapter 3- Luciana

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"Luciana," My mother calls into my room after I got home from school and began my homework.

"Yes Ma'am?" I ask her peeking my head out of my room. My mother and father both dressed for a dinner party. "Are we going somewhere?"

"No, we've got our new neighbors coming over. They have a son your age. His father works with your dad."

She looked at me expectantly. Did she expect me to jump for joy that we had people, total strangers coming to stay at our house for dinner? Does this woman that calls herself my mother even know me? "Okay," I shrug. "I'll get ready, what time are they coming?"

Ding dong.

I groan and close my door. "Give me ten minutes." I tell her as I begin shuffling through my clothes for something my mother would deem suitible for guests. I finally find a pink strapless dress that my mother bought for my homecoming dance. The one that I was dropped off at by my father, I walked in the building only to walk right back out after changing into jeans and a t-shirt and heading to the bowling ally to avoid everyone. I'm not big on social events. While my mother lives for them. My father's reserved, but he can smooth talk through any situation. Very socially gifted for social functions such as this. I run a brush through my hair before putting on my locket and grabbing my silver sandals. Here goes nothing. I walk out of my room closing the door behind me. I hear my mother talking. Maybe if I'm quiet I can sneak out back. I begin sneaking to the back stairs.

"Welcome to our home." My mother greets, I can imagine her flashing her pearly white smile. The men exchanging a firm handshake and the poor boy standing uncomfortably in a suit and tie. "Our daughter will be down in a moment." Great, now I actually have to go down. I sigh slipping on my sandals before taking the stairs slowly to prolong the time before acutally having to face the strangers. I take a deep breath before stepping down the last step and into the foyer where everyone was still gathered. My mother spots me, "Luciana," she beckons me over. I plaster on a fake confident smile. "These are the Blakes. This is our daughter Luciana."

"Pleasure to meet you all," I nod politely I extend my hand to shake. Mr. Blake takes it and kisses the back with a small bow. Like in the movies. Did people seriously do this? Are we being filmed? Is this some kind of joke?

"Likewise." Mr. Blake replies, he's got a western European accent. The son looks at me as if he recognized me. Weird, I'd never seeen him before. "Our son Ashton."

"Nice to meet you Luciana." Ashton says copying his fathers gesture. I nod politely.

"Mrs. Blake." I greet with a friendly smile she surprises me with a gentle hug and a kiss on both cheeks. I stand still as a statue not sure what to do.

"Dinner will be ready momentarily." My mother says. "Don, if you'll show them the dining room. Luciana."

"Of course dear." My father says kissing my mother on the cheek. My mother heads toward the kitchen and I follow after her to help.

"So, where did you move from?" My mother asks the Blakes as we sit in the dining room. My mother and father at the head and foot of the table, Mr. and Mrs. Blake across from their son, and you guessed it me. I stay quiet eating the little food that I had served to myself.

"Luciana," my father draws my attention back to dinner. "Are you okay sweetheart?"

I don't reply, "May I be excused?" I ask. My father nods and I clear my dishes from the table before heading up to my room and changing out of the dress into jeans and a sweatshirt. I climb out my window and sit on the roof hidden by the wall of the house. My flashlight and my book in my lap.

"Seems every time I see you you've got your nose buried in a book." Someone says. My head jerks up.

"Who invited you up here?" I ask as my eyes land on Ashton Blake. Who had removed both his blazer and dress shirt leaving him in his undershirt and dress slacks.

"Your mom sent me. I knocked. No one answered." Ashton said.

"Oh," is all I say I put down my flashlight and look up at the sky. "I always liked it out here. It always relaxed me."

"I can see why." Ashton answers looking up. I finally take a good look at him. His profile is fit and muscular. His brown hair a little curly a little wavy past his ears and covering his eyebrows. Long legs long arms. "Take a picture. It'll last longer." Ashton says not looking away from the sky. My cheeks heat, and I'm glad the sky is dark. "Tell me about yourself Luciana Sterling."

"Only if you do the same." I reply.

"Fair enough." He agrees. "What is your full name?"

"The one on my birth certificate? Or the one I go by?" I ask him. He shoots me a confused look. I sigh before going with the one I could remember. "Luciana Grace Sterling. Or the really long name with like a dozen and a half middle names and titles? Ones that I couldn't remember even if I wanted to."

"Mines simple. Ashton Jacob Blake. No crazy titles. Sorry. No fun."

"What is your biggest fear?" I ask him. He pauses and as he begins to speak voices come from the hall.

"Tell you another time, let's definitely pick this back up." Ashton says. I have to talk to him again? Today wasn't enough?

"He seems like a sweet boy." A voice I could identify as my mother's claims walking into my room.

"Your daughter is very quiet. But she seems like a very charming girl."

"She is soft spoken, but she'll stand up when it matters." My mother agrees. "Luce," she calls walking in.

"Hi mom." I answer sticking my head in. "Mrs. Blake."

"Is Ashton in here?" Mrs. Blake asks, "It's time for us to head home."

"Right here mom." Ashton says peeking in from the window.

"Ash, what are you doing on the roof! You could get hurt!" Mrs. Blake begins to panic. As Ashton climbs in before helping me in, just to be polite.

"Everything's fine mom." Ashton assures her letting her give him a once over. "See you in school Luciana." Ashton says grabbing his blazer and shirt from the bed. I reach back out on the roof for my book.

"Yeah. See you in school," I answer, "bye." They walk away with my mother and I follow shortly after.

I wonder what would Ashton's answer have been had he answered the question?

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