Chapter 12- Ashton

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"I'll be home by noon," I call to my mother as I head out the door for my date. I'm meeting Luciana at the chocolate shoppe where I'm also meeting Clare, we're going out. No more punishment. I've seen the inside of that bookstore one too many times. Every time we're forced to hang out, where does she want to go? The bookstore, where does she want to meet, the bookstore. I cannot win this game! If my parents goal was to torture me, then they picked a winner.

"Ashton!" Clare squeals running up to me in her anything but modest clothing, I see Luciana on her phone. She looks up and I wave. A few more girls flock around and Luciana just rolls her eyes. We head off and I see Jonathan joining Luciana as they go off in the other direction. After Clare and I split a sundae, the rest of the girls disbanded.

"Finally we're alone." I sigh taking her hand. She wraps her other hand around my bicep. "How was school?"

"A drag, but seeing you everyday makes it better." She says. "Aw, Ashton look isn't she adorable!" Dogs, cats, fur. Great. I'm allergic. "Let's go inside." She says dragging me behind before I can protest. She asks to see the puppies and they lead us to the back. I hear the door open and someone greet the next customers.

"No we're just-" Jonathan's voice begins as I try to fight back a sneeze.


"My friend he's in here with a girl." Luciana says, they must have come in here, that's nice, "he's terribly allergic to animal fur. I just came in to see if he's okay. The girl he's with probably doesn't know he's" my vision doubles the voices begin to echo. Then everything blacks out.


"Are you okay?" Clare asks. "Why didn't you tell me you were allergic to animals?"

"You looked so adorable and excited to see the puppies." I answer. "Didn't want to ruin your fun."

"I was having fun walking around town with you."

"Mr. Blake you're free to go." The doctor says. I get up from the bed and with Clare's help I head out grabbing my things on the way. Clare doesn't leave my side the whole time.

"Want to head back to the chocolate shoppe?" I ask her. She nods and we walk back.

"Why were you at the carnival on Friday?" She asks me.

"My parents and I were invited by the Sterlings." I answer honestly as we sit down on one of the benches.

"Luciana Sterling?" She asks.

"Yeah, you know them?" I ask.

"Used to be best friends with Luciana."


"Yeah, that was before she turned into this introvert. everyone used to love her. She was always so fun to be around. The life of the party."

"What happened?"

"No one knows, I don't even think Cassidy knows."


"Her best friend."

"Oh, okay." I answer realizing how close we had gotten. Everything else seems to fade out, no sounds, no people, in our own little world. I kiss her softly and she responds happily.

Be.beep. Be.beep.

I pull away and try to slow my breathing. My alarm just went off. Luciana and and I have to meet up inside the chocolate shoppe soon. And then I have to take her home.

"I have to go Clare." I tell her. "I'll see you at school Monday." I kiss her once more before heading to the table where we'll meet. I wait ten minutes, it's not like her not to be at the table. So I call her.

I wait as it rings excessively, when I think it's going to send me to voicemail, she finally picks up. "Hello?"

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