Chapter 8- Ashton

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I groan and roll over to turn off my alarm. It's 945. A whole 45 minutes earlier than I told Luciana to come, but knowing her, she'd be 15 minutes early. She turns in class assignments the day after they're assigned even when they're not due for months.

I retreat to my bathroom with a change of clothes and turn on the water to shower.


Ding dong.

"Ashton, someone's here for you." My mother calls up to me, I check the clock by my bed.1015. Right on time, or her time.

Luciana stands outside the door in a little red dress that goes to her knees. "Come in." I tell her she steps in and my mother closes the door. "Breakfast?"

"I already ate." She answers politely. "Thank you though, but please go ahead and eat."

"Come on," I take her hand and pull her into the kitchen and sit at one of the bar stools. My mother places my food in front of me and I begin to eat.

"Good morning Mrs. Blake." She says engaging in a conversation.

"The carnival starts at 530." Luciana says, "I hope you all can come."

"Well, we'll see." My mother says. "But Ashton, you should go. Enjoy some time getting to know the city."

"Speaking of which." Luciana starts, "Come on, there is much to show you." She reaches out and takes my hand dragging me to the door. I hastily reach for my shoes and put them on hopping out the door.


"This is the teens number one hang out," she speaks pointing out a diner. "So, I avoid it. Cassidy loves it, but I prefer quieter hang outs."

"I'm here looking for things to do and get to know the town, so show me where you hang."

"Okay." She takes my hand and pulls me around back. "This place is very special to me, so you can't tell anyone about it."

I nod my agreement as she pulls me into what looks like an abandoned shop. "Belle?" Someone calls from deep within the shop.

"Melanie." She calls back.

"A book store?" I ask her in disbelief. "Really."

"I'm sorry, is there something wrong?" She asks sounding offended. A woman around 20 years old walks out to the front.

"Welcome back sweetheart." The woman says, "Looking for a new book?"

"Oh, you know me so well." She answers. "But I brought a friend of mine, he wanted to visit a few of my haunts. He's not a fan of the place, not yet anyway."

"But you are my dear. Just like Belle." She answers. Luciana smiles.

"Mind if I show him around?" Luciana asks.

"Go right ahead."

"Thank you! Luciana exclaims throwing her arms around her neck. She then reaches for my arm and drags me around explaining things in a rapid fire manner. I can't help but laugh at her excitement. "This is my favorite reading corner." She concludes after showing me the whole store. She picks out a book and curls up in the chaise lounge in the corner.

"That's it? The tours over?"

"It's 1015 I've shown you over half the town, unless you're hungry, we can afford to take a break." She says looking down to the book reading the back before opening it. She smiles and takes a deep breath. "Give me fifteen minutes."

"Belle, I'm stepping out, lock the door when your done if I'm not back."

"I will," she promises. "Sit, I'll read this to you."

I sigh as I sit next to her.

"Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away lived a wealthy prince. He had everything he ever wanted. Except a bride."

"Whoa." I interrupt, "Are you reading me a fairy tale?"

"Yes," she answers simply. "Why does that bother you?"

"Maybe because we're seniors in high school."

"So? Besides, you'll see where I got my nickname." She says.

"From a fairy tale?"

"Belle isn't my name or middle name, so, yeah."

"Okay, fine, go on." I give in. She reads the whole fairy tale and I manage to find myself captivated by both her passion, voice, and the small things she does while reading. Her hair fell in her face a couple times, she reaches up to tuck it back behind her ear not looking up. She looks so elegant.

"Now that the prince's true love had arrived, and loved him for who he was, the last petal fell and suddenly, a burst of magic flew from his chest lifting him into the air and transforming him into a handsome prince. The workers at the palace returned to their human selves. And they all lived happily ever after. The end."

"You have an amazing passion for books, it's beautiful."

"That's what she's been trying to share with you." The woman from earlier says, "Now out, I'd like to close for lunch."

"Oh my. What time is it?"

"1100." The woman answers.

"Lunch time," Luciana says. "Come on, we'll go to my favorite cafe."

Once again she grabs my hand dragging me along. This'll be a long day.

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