Chapter 5- Luciana

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So it's been a little over a month since the boy next door moved in. Our moms are set on setting us up. Imagine that the classic nerd, excluding the glasses. Dating the popular all star athlete, band extraordinaire, star of the stage, and straight "A" student. It wouldn't go far, or long.

"Hey Luce!" Cassidy greets me happily sighing as I open my locker on this bright and rainy Monday. "You'll never guess what I did for you this weekend."

"Your homework? And the paper from the first semester. Or did you finally fill out your college apps?" I ask her.

"No silly." She says, "I got you a date for Fridays game!!!!" She tells me excitingly.

"I can't go, I have club meetings then a church retreat. I'm busy." I tell her. "Sorry, but if your so excited, you can go."

"I already have one!" She says with a pout, "Please. Come with us."

"I can't bail on the kids." I tell her. "I made a promise."

"So did I!" She argues.

"One that you had no right to make." I point out. "Excuse me, I have a class outside to go to. I'd like to go before the rain gets harder." I give her a small smile.

"Hey, so I hear we've got a date Friday night." An unfamiliar voice tells me falling into step with me.

"About that," I begin, "When my friend set up our date, she didn't check with me. I have plans at my church with the kids that day."

"Can I help?" He asks, "I love kids."

I look over to him. His head tipped to the left, his blonde hair and his bright grass green eyes looking curiously at me.

"Uh, sure?" I ask him, "I'm Luciana Sterling." I introduce myself.

"Jonathan Pembroke." He answers, "I moved in about a month ago. So Friday at your church."

"You don't have to do it, but of you really want to I'd enjoy the company of a high school student." I tell him, "Here, I'll send you the address if you give me your number."

We exchange phone numbers and he walks me to class, "So I guess if I don't see you around campus before Friday. I'll see you at the church." Jonathan says, "Bye Luciana."

"Bye Jonathan." I reply as he heads off

He waves once More before blending back into the crowd, I head the other way and find my seat in my class. Four days till I'm guaranteed a chance to see him. If I'm lucky, he'll pass my way a few more times before Friday.

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