Chapter Fifteen Part Two

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Chapter Fifteen (Part Two)

Louis' Point of View:

I sunk down to the ground, Victoria still in my arms. I didn't intentionally mean to walk in on Forrest and Victoria - honestly I had no idea where I was going ever since I left Victoria in Ava's truck.

"Wake up," I muttered to the passed out Victoria in my lap. I could feel the copper taste of blood in my mouth from my bleeding lip.

I coughed violently for a second before composing myself and pulling my phone out of my pocket. I rung Harry's number, a few rings passed before he picked up.

"Hello?" He answered in a hushed tone.

"Harry?" I questioned, "Where are you?"

"That's a um, funny story Lou." Harry said with a nervous chuckle.

"Out with it Styles." I demanded, waiting for an answer.

"Well we're kind of, sort of at the police station."

"You got in trouble with the peelers mate? How?"

"Well not just me actually," He paused, "All five of us."


"Yeah, Ava is here too."

I hear some yelling in the background followed by a string of curse words. "Harry?" I asked into the phone.

"Can't talk mate, they're coming over here." And then he hung up.

I pulled the phone away from my ear and looked at the screen that was back to my home screen. I groaned, seeing as I only had two bars in a forest, and there was no way I was going to be able to get anymore to try and call Harry again.

I shook Victoria, trying to get her to wake up. "C'mon," I mumbled, "You need to wake up!"

I silently watched as she started to slowly open her eyes, revealing the light green color I'd grown to love. She blinked rapidly for a second before sitting up in my lap and looking around.

"Crap," She swore, running a hand through her tangled mess of hair.

"Victoria?" I asked softly, "What's wrong?"

She looked at me, her eyes were burning into my own. I never really understood why I broke up with her in the first place - just that I got majorly busy- and the fact Simon didn't want us to have any girlfriends at the time, so I couldn't try out a secret relationship. If I got caught dating Victoria, Simon would have me hanging by my balls on Big Ben.

"I have so many things I haven't told you." She whispered horsely which made my heart contract a little bit. I never stopped loving Victoria - even after Harry introduced me to Eleanor.

"You can tell me all about it tonight love," I paused before taking her off my lap and standing up. "But right now we need to head down to the police station. The five of them are as thick as a brick sometimes." I explained, offering a hand to Victoria - which she gladly took and stood up. She brushed off her dress before we started walking.

She gasped and pulled on my arm, making me jerk to a stop. "What about Ava's truck?" She asked, "Wait! No more importantly where IS Ava? Oh my god Louis, she's probably still with Forrest .." Victoria cried, her breathing started to increase rapidly.

I awkwardly put my hand on her shoulder and patted it. "Calm down Vic," I cooed, well at least tried too, "She's fine, sort of. Well she got locked up with the rest of them ninny's."

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