Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

It was finally here.

Tomorrow I'd be stuck in a car with Chet, Mum and Chet's two kids - Kayley and Jon. The thought of being squished in the back seat between Jon and Kayley while my pregnant mother flirted with Chet disgusted me.

I popped my ear bud into my left ear and turned up the volume to one of Linkin Park's new songs. I stuffed a folded tank top into my already full suitcase and sighed.


I turned around to see my mum in my doorway already dressed in her night clothes.


"I love you - you know that right?"

I nodded, "Yeah I know. I love you too."

She smiled sadly at me, "Just don't ever forget that. Okay?"

"Yes mom." And with that she left, my door wide open showing me the vacant space now.

I closed the top of my suitcase and zipped it up on the sides. I picked up the small cylinder plastic bottle sitting on my bed and twisted the cap and looked inside. There were about 14 pills left, and I debated whether to take them or leave them at home.

I sighed and dropped the container into my purse that was sitting next to my suitcase.

Even though I never really took the anti-depressant pills, you never know when I'll need them.

My phone started vibrate, the covers muffling the sound. I picked it up off of my bed and looked at the caller I.D.


"Hey you ready for tomorrow? Im all packed."

I laughed at the thought of Ava being packed earlier than rushing around tomorrow morning trying to stuff her whole room into one suitcase.

"Yeah I guess I'm ready. I'm glad my mum told me I could invite you."

I kept complaining to mum a few days ago, saying I would have no one there really to talk too. So she gave in and said one more person wouldn't hurt. So I invited Ava - seeing as Rose and I weren't friends anymore.

"Hello? Tori? You still there?"

I blinked. "Yeah sorry. What were you saying?"

"I asked if you packed that bikini you wore to my pool party at the graduation pool party?"

I smiled at the memory, "Yeah I did. I don't know if I'll be swimming at all while we're there."

"Monthly friend?" Ava suggested.

I rolled my eyes, "No. I just don't really like swimming."

Lie. I've never liked swimming because I can barely swim and try to keep my head above water. And also with this fainting thing - I doubt my mum will be letting me go near a lake anytime soon.

She sighed, "Okay whatevs. I'll talk to you tomorrow morning. Night!" Then she hung up.

"G'night." I mumbled into my phone even though no one else was on the other end.

I looked at the clock that was perched on my night table. 11:23pm. I groaned and sat down on the edge of my bed. Tomorrow we were all getting up at five am and leaving at 5:45. I pushed my suitcase off my bed and it landed with a loud thump on the floor. Biscuit decided to trot into the room at that moment and start barking at the unmoving suitcase. Tomorrow he would be watched by one of the local pet shops in town.

He Wasn't A Jerk Before (He Wasn't A Jerk #2)Where stories live. Discover now