Chapter Thirteen

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Done on my ipod .. Once again. No bolding/italics. Will be edited later today or tomorrow!


Chapter Thirteen

"I cannot wait to hit the beach." Ava said, folding the beach towel in her hands.

Today we were going to the beach. And by 'beach' we mean the tiny pond about a mile away from this little cottage.

"It's not technically a beach." I told Ava, pulling a gray cotton tank top on over my head.

She huffed and slid on a pair of sunglasses that she got at the antique shop last summer. "I don't really care. We can make it a beach."

I rolled my eyes and zippered up the zipper on my green short shorts. "I feel like a whore." I complained, tugging at the green shorts. Last time I wore these, I could swear they went past my butt cheeks.

Ava threw her head back and laughed. "Yeah your such a whore." She jokingly said, knowing that I was nineteen and still a virgin.

"I know." I agreed, slipping my feet into some gladiator sandals.

"Lets go girlie." Ava said, heading towards the door.

I grabbed my phone off the small wooden nightstand and groaned in frustration at Ava's fast-walking. "Wait up!"

I lightly jogged up to Ava until I was a few steps behind her. We met the guys in the living room and then we took off walking towards the pond. The trees were clouding everyone's vision, making it impossible to see much of anything else.

"If my calculations are correct," Liam thought out loud, "Than the point should be North about 10 feet."

Niall clapped Liam on the back, "Mate, are you serious?"

Liam laughed. "No, I was just joking. I'm not that smart."

There was an echo of groans that could probably be heard all the way back to Doncaster and beyond.

"Way to get our hopes up mate." Zayn muttered, sulking his shoulders slightly.

Ava clapped her hands once and grinned. "Maybe we can all split up?" She suggested, her eyes roaming around our faces.

There was a silence.

"I'll take that as a yes!" Ava exclaimed. "Okay, I'll go with Harry. Liam, Niall and Zayn can go together and Oh look! Louis and Victoria - together once again. Okay bye!"

I watched as all five of them rushed off, leaving Louis and I standing at a safe distance away from each other.

"Well, it looks -"

"Let's just get going." I interrupted whatever Louis was going to say before heading off in the opposite direction the other five went in.

I faintly heard Louis' foot steps padding on the grass softly. I looked back, seeing him trailing behind, his hands in both of his tan short's pockets, and his head facing down. I almost pitied him for a moment.


"Keep up the pace." I shouted to Louis, slipping on my aviator sunglasses that were perched on the top of my curly blonde mess of hair.

"Yeah, yeah." I heard his voice call back to me, and there was a slight echo from the wide capacity of the woods.

We walked for about five minutes in silence until I stopped in the middle and scanned my surroundings. Louis - who was pulling up the rear - came sauntering over to my side a few moments after I stopped.

He Wasn't A Jerk Before (He Wasn't A Jerk #2)Where stories live. Discover now