Chapter Twenty Part One

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Obviously .. this is a way overdue chapter, and I hope you all understand that I'm busy and my life doesn't revolve around updating. All rude comments on chapter nineteen about me not updating have been removed.

Chapter Twenty Part One

Louis didn't come back to his seat until we only had about twenty minutes before we had to land. I couldn't believe he spent almost six hours locked up inside that small bathroom - I mean, surely other people needed to use it.

"Attention ladies and gentlemen," An overhead voice came on, capturing our attention, "We will be landing at Midway airport in approximately twenty-two minutes. We ask that you stay seated for the remainder of the flight to ensure your safety. Thank you for flying with us." The voice cut off with a loud beep and I leaned back in my seat, closing my eyes.

Louis nudged my shoulder, and I opened my eyes to see his phone shove in my face, "Weren't we supposed to be going to New York?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yeah we are."

He checked the screen on his phone and cleared his throat, "Well Midway Airport isn't exactly in New York."

I took ahold of his phone and looked at the search results on google, "It's in Chicago?" I asked, my eyes widening. I had booked a flight for New York, not Chicago!

Louis took his phone back with a scoff, "Obviously you booked the wrong flight."

I rolled my eyes, "Thanks for bringing that up Louis." I blew put a big breath, ruffling the ends of my blonde hair - a habit I've gotten into when I felt nervous. I felt a hand graze against the skin on my bare knee and I shivered slightly, looking up at Louis.

"Babe, it's okay." Louis said softy, offering me a smile.

I scoffed, shaking my head. "I'm such an idiot. I can't even book a freaking flight without screwing up something."

Louis looked down at his phone and back up at me, "You're not an idiot. We'll figure something out." Louis said, offering me a small smile.

Once the flight landed, Louis and I scurried to grab our bags from the baggage claim and made our way to the help desks to see if there was a flight to New York anytime soon.

"We're looking for a flight to New York." Louis said, leaning his arm on the top of the desk, giving the woman a huge smile.

She laughed and typed in the location on her keyboard, her red painted nails clicked against the plastic loudly. "The next flight to New York is in three days due to the bad weather we should be experiencing over the weekend."

"Bad weather?" I questioned, "But it's the summer!"

The lady laughed, smoothing down the top of her hair, "We know that ma'am, but we cannot control the weather. We are supposed to be having some very powerful rain storms here - hence why most flights have been delayed a few days."

I groaned, clutching my suitcase handle tighter. "This is so not happening." I mumbled to myself, shaking my head slightly.

First, Louis follows me onto the plane. Then, we find out that the plane is actually heading to Chicago, not New York. Now, we can't catch a flight to New York for at least three days. Could this get any better?(Note the sarcasm).

"Damn." Louis whistled, as we headed out the exit doors of the airport.

The skies were turning an ugly black, looming over the airport. A crack of thunder made me slightly jump, and Louis' hand settled on the small of my back.

He Wasn't A Jerk Before (He Wasn't A Jerk #2)Where stories live. Discover now