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I crept to the guest room, hoping to catch him when he finally woke up.Tracie wouldn't tell me anything, so I was going to the root of it: I was going to confront Aidon.
I reached the door when I heard a muffled scream. I froze with my hand on the doorknob. A few seconds later, I heard the balcony screen open and close. I hurried in as quietly as I could before I lost my nerve. He was standing on the balcony, staring at a speck of dust growing bigger in the sky. And more defined. A gargoyle!
It was roughly Aidon's size with an unbelievable amount of detailed muscule. When it landed, small cracks formed on the balcony. I didn't realize I was slowly edging back to the door until I hit the wall. I almost ran out the door.
"...What happened?"
I stopped and turned slowly. Aidon was sitting in the chair and the gargoyle just stood with his arms crossed. It was an interrogation. I started creeping my way forward to hear what they were saying. I might actually get some answers no one wanted to give me.
Aidon explained what happened, from what happened in the room with us, to the field.
"It was self-defense" Aidon finished.
"Is her name Syrah?"
I felt numb. How did this guy know me? I never seen anything that looked remotely like him before in my life. Aidon was thinking the same thing. He asked how he knew my name. The gargoyle shifted to a less aggressive stance, and leaned against the concrete wall. His explanation was mostly lost in the wind. I barely caught the last part of it.
"... Reincarnation, like you."
Like him?! From how it was said, he was talking about me. I was reincarnated from a past life. And so was Aidon. The only difference was that Aidon knew it already! I saw it in his face. I was probably the reincarnation of a past lover or something. It finally made sense why we had so much unspoken chemistry.
"Why doesn't she know anything?"
Those words cut my emotions to pieces. The way he said it made me seem so inadequate for him. I felt the tears coming. I didn't stay to hear the rest. I turned and left the room, slamming the door behind me. I stumbled to Tracie's room. The tears just poured out. She held me like a sister. So different from what Kayah would do. The memories just made me feel worse. I cried and cried. Soon, Tracie was crying with me. Two girls both broken-hearted by the guy of our dreams.

I don't know how I got in my room. Someone was stroking my hair. Probably Tracie trying to get both of us back under control. Her hands were more relaxing than before. Almost seductive. I was slowly turning into a putty from her strong, reassuring...
Manlike hands! I turned around and found myself face to face with Aidon yet again.
"How much did you hear?"
His tone wasn't accusatory. Or worrisome. Just curious and accepting. Still stroking my hair. I couldn't stay upset. I was too relaxed. Aidon just visually (and now physically) relaxed me, way too much. I was positive of it at this point: he was purposefully seducing me.
I leaned in toward him. I stopped a few inches from him. His other hand was firmly on my shoulder. Slowly pushing me back.
"How much?"
It felt like he was toying with me! His gray-green eyes were in the conversation, but his hand was in the zone. Business before pleasure, what a load of crap right now. I pushed against him, determined to get what I wanted. Him!
I. Pushed and moved. Swiped at his arm to throw him off. And he blocked me at every turn. I pushed and he held back. He was making it look easy. I grabbed his head. And felt something impale my hand.
I pulled away finally with an agonized yelp. I saw the blood flowing out. He reached out and grabbed my bleeding hand. He kissed the tip of my middle finger. And bent it into the cut. It stopped bleeding, and started to heal. I looked at him and noticed the biggest change I ever saw. His horns had fully grown. The base of each one was a crown of short spikes. The main horn formed into a Rams crown. In the middle of them, a second horn split off and curved up similar to a bull. The left front horn had a bloody tip. The one that impaled my hand!
"I'm not a plaything" he hissed looking completely serious. I shuffled away from him as his horns slowly shrank back into his head. His green eyes had gone a dark green, with a reddish tinge slowly fading out.
"I was asking politely" he continued "but now I don't even know if you understood whatever it was you might've heard."
Aidon's level tone matched his body language. He got up and went to the door. His complete change in character was different from what I expected. First he was nice, then he became seductive, and finally, he turned almost arrogant and slightly hostile. He was stable, but still surprisingly unpredictable to me. Or maybe it was just how he reacted to my attitude around him. Whatever the case was, he was almost completely irresistible to me.
Before he could close the door, I hurried next to him and pulled him back in. Without the seduction tactics, I was back to being mad at him. And I still wanted answers.
"You're going to tell me" I demanded "everything I want to know. I hate being in the dark about what's going on with anything involving me."
He stared me down for a few seconds before cocking his head to the side, a hint of a smile barely showing on his face.
"Wanna go grab a bite, my treat."

The summer heat was always slow to cool. The streetlights were just starting to turn on. I sat across from Aidon, nibbling on a fresh baked cookie. The park was relatively empty, but it felt like we were being watched. It wasn't much of a surprise now that I think about it. I was on an apparent date with the hottest guy in the city. Maybe even the country. There was bound to be admirers and jealous girls.
"It's not just me" Aidon spoke up.
I looked at him, his head tilted with that small smile. So adorably hot!
"Say what" I asked, feigning confusion.
"There are guys looking too" he pointed out "just as jealous as the girls you see staring."
Aidon took a sip from his cup, pointing out a couple not far from us. I took a quick glance, and had trouble trying to not laugh. The guy was staring completely slack-jawed at us with a mix of awe and indignation. I knew him from high school. I had turned him down up until graduation, when he finally moved on. His girlfriend was openly staring at Aidon, looking every bit as greedy as I felt towards him. As soon as they saw me look they both tried to stare off in the distance, but managed to knock each other down. I was laughing nonstop now. They both got up awkwardly and left with an occasional look back.
"You should learn to look" Aidon chuckled "they were gonna keep looking for a while. Now everyone else is gonna disappear."
"What's wrong with that" I asked.
"It's funny" he said simply "the girls stare at me like I'm a piece of the worlds best candy, and the guys look at you like your the worlds last woman. They all just act so desperate, it's hilarious."
His silent chuckles accentuated his point. He even looked more at ease than usual. Like an everyday, regular guy. Time to start the questions.
"What are you, really" I asked.
"Not human" he said evasively "like you."
"Then what are we" I countered.
"In a title" Aidon started slowly "Angels and Demons."
Finally, some answers. Now I need them to make sense.
"I need-"
"A straight answer, I know" Aidon sighed "but I can't tell you. It's not my place to say, or my rules."
"Well who's gonna tell me then" I demanded.
"That would be me."
I looked around and saw Jason and Burren walking straight towards us. What did these guys know?

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