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I enjoyed the entire night. The restaurant, the conversations, even the parking deck. The flying was the best part, with one exception: he kissed me!
We flew back to the car, drove back, he even walked me to my room. I couldn't remember anything after those lips. Strong and soft, dominant yet gentle. It felt like a warm bath and spa treatment mixed with sweet candy and memories of roller coaster rides Kayah hated to get on. He was bliss.
And then it was over. Too fast.
I knew he would take me home then. He developed a habit of indulging me in tiny bits of joy, then piled on responsibility to hide his feelings.
I jumped so far, I fell off the bed. I looked up, blushing so deep I swore I looked like a dark red apple. Tracie was standing with a small cone in one hand.
"So, how was it" she shot with typical Tracie nosiness "where did you go, what did you eat, which movie did you see, did you guys finally get to second base? Oh god, please don't tell me you guys went all the way in the car. Give it to me straight girl, he did things with his-"
I clapped her mouth shut quickly. I tried desperately to look mad and shocked, but ended up looking constipated thanks to trying not to laugh while holding her mouth.
"Chill, speedy Gonzales" I finally managed "it didn't get THAT far. We went to a nice Asian cuisine, took a drive up the parking deck, and flew around a little."
I finally uncovered Tracie's mouth.
"Aw, that's so sweet" she pouted "you guys listened to me.."
She saw my face.
"Didn't you?"
I stayed quiet.
"Didn't you?!"
I bit my lip and covered my mouth this time.
"Syrah, you didn't" she accused.
"We kissed" I relented sheepishly "on top of that tall building downtown."
"No" she breathed in awe.
I couldn't hold it in any longer.
"It was absolutely the most awesome thing I ever felt in my entire existence. Screw life, that was the best kiss the universe ever experienced. Those lips... And his hands... And his cuddly wings... I mean, oh my god!"
I finished with a scream in my big pillow. I held it there to hide the color in my face. As nice and sweet as Tracie was, she probably didn't want to hear all of that. Much less, see me getting hot and bothered talking about his mouth.
"That butt wipe!"
I looked right at her in shock. Tracie was smiling and shaking her head.
"I tell him to be careful" she continued "and he goes and uses his mouth on you."
"You make it sound worse than it is" I said with a pout.
"Well" she started slyly "imagine if it wasn't your mouth."
My body reacted before my mind caught up with the question. I was blushing and sweating. Then my mind caught on. I pushed Tracie slightly.
"Why, just why put that in my head" I admonished.
"It's my job" she sang, bouncing on the bed like a little kid.
I smiled at her antics. She always kept me happy, despite her innuendos. It was a surprise she never got into a real relationship like she always wanted. That's when I remembered something.
"What did happen" I asked "between you and Cinos?"
She stopped moving immediately. I was shocked to see how much pain she had. The tears threatened to spill from her golden eyes, and her dark skin paled shades lighter. Soon the sobs came. What did I just do?
"Never mind" I hurried "you don't have to talk about it-"
"He's my soulmate" she said quietly.
The hurt was still there, but she was under control, somewhat.
"When they first came" she began "I knew who they were, what they were, and tried to keep space. Jeremiah eventually got me to talk to him. He was The little brother I always wanted, and became the child I needed. Aidon and Jerry's mom was an Angel, so those two got along with me good. Finally, I met him.
He was everything I loved and hated. Nice, sweet, arrogant, prideful, he was forbidden fruit."
She closed her eyes and had a ghost of a smile.
"When we finally told everyone we were together, the problems started."
Her face sank.
"He was a free spirit. I ended up only with him by title, nothing more. He neglected me. I went from spending every waking and sleeping moment with him, to only hearing about him once every few days or so. Finally, when I cornered him, he shouted that we were done a while ago.
It hurt. He made it worse when a bunch of sluts came around the corner and fell all over him."
Her shuddering and sobbing was so violent that she shook the entire bed.
I reached over and hugged her close. I felt the hot tears through the dress she hand picked for me. I didn't care, because she would do the same for me. She did do the same for me.
"The worst part" she shuddered "is that no matter how mad I am at how he treated me, I still love him. I still want to be with him. And I know that won't happen."
She couldn't get a word out after that. She just held on to me and cried. I hugged her close and murmured apology after apology for not being there sooner. My best friend was an emotional time bomb, and she needed me to keep her together.

"Jerry's been a lot of help" Tracie finally said coherently "he gave me a reason to feel like I had some control. He lets me treat him however, but no matter how bad I am, he always has a smile just for me. Aidon's been too nice to me. All the presents, all the help, even my floor is all his doing. He talked to the owners, and put my name on permanent resident, and even managed to get me rent free for life. He says it's his way of saying sorry for what happened."
"He's a sweetheart" I agreed.
"Remember when you asked about them" Tracie asked.
"I'm glad you were asking about Aidon" she admitted "there was my whole situation that I was afraid you would go through, and then Jeremiah being... Well, Jeremiah. I don't think I would've let you go after them, for your sake."
I looked directly at her. Her face was deadly serious. I could see why Cinos would have attracted me, but he seemed like too much of a player for me. Jerry would have been harder to say no to. He was Aidon's exact duplicate besides the red eyes, white hair, and weird scar. His attitude was cute, but way too childish for my tastes.
"I don't think I would've wanted anyone else" I rebutted.
Tracie smiled brightly and wiped her face.
"Well, I'm thinking of spacing the place out a bit" she piped in her usual hyper speed "you know, bigger closets for the clothes, bigger kitchen, it just feels cluttered with all these rooms up here and no space to move..."

I woke up to open curtains, heavy footsteps, and Tracie bouncing around fussing over the tirade of clothes... Clothes?!
"Um, Trace" I asked uncertainly "why is my room a closet now?"
"The back closet is being expanded" she explained in a rush "the kitchen's taking over half a room and the other half is going to be part of my new office. This is just until they finish the closet."
"And when will that be" I asked, attempting to extricate myself from the fabrics. A familiar, mellow voice was next to my ear.
"Maybe tomorrow morning."
I felt him pull me out of the racks easily. I playfully swatted Aidon for pulling me out.
"I had it under control" I said with mock attitude.
He tilted his head, and I relented.
"The thought is appreciated though, thanks."
"Yeah yeah" Tracie shooed "I need to get the Gucci organize right with the Coach and pseudo-Versace. Out out out. Go have some ice cream or something."
As she shoved us down the hall, she gave an obvious wink before she turned back. Jerry turned the corner and waved quickly before disappearing back to the work zone. It finally dawned on me that those two set us up to have a day to ourselves. I turned and saw a guilty look pass from Aidon's face. I glared at him, knowing he would tell me.
"I had already scheduled her remodel today" he finally said "but Jerry had already got a team here before me, so I have a day to myself. Would you mind giving me some company?"
"Under one condition..."

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