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The tension in the room sang blood as I came in. I just finished sending off a group of smaller fighters from another state back home, and now this! To break the silence, I looked at my watch.
"It's almost five" I announced "I hope no one misses the bus."
Almost everyone scrambled back to the normal hustle of the depot. I walked over to Cinos.
"Let's not make this last much longer" I murmured to him.
I look over and see Burren standing next to Jason. Just the one I needed to see.
"I'm probably going to-"
"-Come by for lunch tomorrow" Jason finished "that works for me. What do you think, Burren?"
He came close to me and handed over a card with writing on the back:
By Seven Till One Or Your Audience Is Forfeit.
So much for subtlety.
"I'll be there" I assured the two.
Tracie waved hi, looking a little sick. She was thinking about her past with him again. I needed to hurry. Finally I turned to the three people left. Turiel, a young general (how, I will never understand). Kayah, a guardian priestess,(so full of herself). Finally, a girl I didn't know. Not surprisingly; new people showed up at any time, and those two just never let me go anywhere peacefully. Hiding my chagrin, I spoke.
"Sorry to intrude, but-"
"Just get out" Kayah half yelled.
I shrugged it off and headed to the door. Cinos was waiting at the concession stand with a root beer for me.
"Sorry Aidon" he apologized. I took a sip of the pop.
"Don't be man" I said "we can't win all battles and we can't stop all fights."
"But we can prevent most" he countered. He turned and picked up a hot dog for each of us.
"Let's go, Sticky's gonna be there soon."
"Yeah" I mused. The guy couldn't flow, rap, or sing. But he paid top dollar for every session. More than guys who thought they deserved free sessions, he earned his time. As we headed to the car, her voice came out of nowhere.
"Hey, new guy."
I turned and got a good look at the mysterious girl. Tracie's height with brown hair and eyes not unlike Kayah. Probably sisters. Her skin matched mine, maybe a half shade or so darker. Curved, but not quite like Tracie. Damn this girl is like a mashup of all the good features of everyone close to her.
deciding to be diverse like her appearance I answered.
"Yes mademoiselle?"
"I'm not foreign, don't do that."
"I will make an effort not to" I said, failing to suppress a smile, and bowed like I was raised to for women to give a good first impression.
"Why do you two do that?"
I could hear the discomfort in her voice. Unintentionally, I took a deep breath and tasted the air around her. She was completely seduced by me. I could smell the scent of something else that gave me pause. Pushing it to the side, taking it for the company around her, I closed the distance between us slowly. Her heartbeat sped up and her breathing started getting a little erratic. "Do what" I asked tilting my head questioningly.
"That whole chivalry thing" she answered, slightly breathless "it's cute but you know people are gonna take you as a joke right?"
"I can't help that, señora" I shrugged "it's who I am. I was just raised to act like this. Isn't it better than spitting game, mon cheri?"
Her temper showed up then.
"I said don't do that" she said forcefully "that's just the same as spitting game, only more exotic. And it pisses me off when you do that, habit or not!"
Letting her catch her breath, I took her hand and bowed my head to it.
"I sincerely apologize for upsetting you with my mannerisms. I just hope that you can forgive such an useless guy like me."
Before she could respond I kissed her hand. The scent was real! It was from her. Straightening my smile I looked into her eyes, those milk chocolate eyes, and saw her desire in her soul. It had become a part of her now.
"It was a pleasure to meet you, ange endormie."
I turned without a backwards glance and liked at Cinos.
"Let's go, now."
He saw the conflict in my eyes and started the car. I got in the passenger seat as he changed gears. I looked back in the mirror to see if the girl moved. She didn't even shift one step from where I left her.
As we turned the corner, Cinos sped the car til we were in the open space I took a liking to. I got out and breathed deep a few times. It filled my chest and finally burst out. The yell of pain. The scream of defiance. The cry of disbelief. Why? My only question no one, not even fate would answer. Why? Why was I cursed with a power I didn't want? Why was my sister always in my sleep? Why was this mysterious girl, my natural enemy, in love with me? Why, why, why?

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