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She stood in the doorway, just looking at me. It always came down to her staring me down. At the depot, it was curiosity. When she moved in, it was surprise. In the club, it was desire. At the diner, it was desperation. If she kept on, she'll lose her sanity. I had to lay down the boundaries now. If not, she'll be too far gone to save her heart from pain. It'll be Tracie all over again.
"Can I come in" I asked politely.
She mutely moved to the side so I could come in. I sat on the edge of her bed. She shut the door behind me.
"Why are you here?"
Her question was so quiet I almost missed it. I looked her in those light chocolate brown eyes, almost losing my nerve. I took a deep breath before I go to the point.
"You're obsessed with me" I said "and we can never be together. For both of our sakes, let me go. It can't happen."
I let that sink in for a moment. She actually started to hyperventilate. She grabbed at the air for something to hold on to. I walked over and led her to the bed. She grabbed a pillow and hugged it close, rocking back and forth.
"Why" she choked out.
I could hear the tears coming through her voice. It hurt to hear the pain I was causing her, but it was necessary. I turned to leave the room. She started sobbing. I couldn't leave her like this. I walked back to her and kneeled down.
"Syrah" I started.
She started hitting me. I didn't even try to stop her. The emotional damage done could've pushed her over the deep end. In a way, I was glad she held on to who she was. She was her own person.
Then she broke down again. I picked her off the floor and set her on the bed. As I left the room and closed the door, Tracie turned the corner.
"Well" she snapped, crossing her arms.
"She didn't take it well" I said.
Tracie's slap stung. Bad! I've been hit plenty of times before, but this time felt worse. Because I was hurting me and someone I wished I could be close to. And she hit me with a steel wool hand pad. The cuts and abrasions healed fast, but it wasn't the flesh that hurt. It was the heart.
"I told you" Tracie scolded "not to hurt her. I didn't mean leave her on a limb, you asshole."
What was I supposed to do" I shot back "it would've been a doomed relationship. It wouldn't have worked. I'm a King. A Demon King at that."
"So what" Tracie argued "she doesn't deserve this! Syrah isn't the problem here, Aidon."
"Ok, and what is" I asked loudly "me? We can't-"
The second slap caught me mid sentence. The first one I deserved. The second was what I needed. But...
"Don't hit me again" I threatened.
"The problem" Tracie went on "is your mindset, not you. Not her past, her position, who she really is, or whatever you think about yourself. YOU are the reason it won't work. Look at your mom and dad if you don't believe me."
My retort was cut short. My dad was a demon and my mom was an angel. Despite their people's rules and repercussions, they still fell in love and stayed together. I was so caught up in thinking everyone around me was like the council, I didn't realize that I was acting just like them but without the violence. So much for being fair to her.
"It still doesn't stop the problem" I cried out in .desperation "we can't-"
"Can't what" she yelled "be friends? Give it a try? Use it as a way to end a war, Aidon. If it doesn't work, at least you gave it a try. How many other Kings even tried that? Tell me at least one that did, and I'll leave it alone! A King, not anyone in the council."
Tracie crossed her arms and waited for a reply. One that wouldn't come. She knew as well as I did that I was the only one that came this close to loving an angel. Unless...
"I gotta go see Jason" I decided "maybe he can help."
"What about my advice" Tracie snapped.
"I'm going" I said "so I can answer your riddle. He's the historian. He knows everything about the war down to the foot soldier. Maybe I can find a way to end the war from him."
I hurried to the elevator. It was my last chance to prove myself right. That me and Syrah could never be together.

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