part 21

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Recap: naira's breakdown kartik's emotional help
Last morning in Manali.
Naira(in mind): he helped me when I needed someone. Someone who makes me laugh someone who tells me it's okay. What is happening? Naira you know that he is with Natasha so why are you thinking about him why does he matter to you. Ya allah what am I thinking. I will just stop.
Like this the morning ended and they all went back home.
At home naira felt ill for some days she wasn't able to think about anything except her health that was not so good at that time. They had a small vacation and deep in naira's heart she couldn't wait until the vacation ended
After the vacation
Naira (in mind): finally back to school but will we meet today. Naira what are you thinking stop thinking about him. Nothing will happen don't stress your mind and first tell yourself why is he so important and more why do you think so much about him maybe

Naira's heart started beating faster and faster and in her head she screamed no no no no no that can't be possible I can't li.. no don't even complete the word Naira's mind said but her heart was longing to give a name to that unknown feeling.

Leap: days were passing and the more days were passing the more confused Naira's mind became but the more clear and determined her heart started to beat.

Naira asked her dad for a bike as she was missing cycling so much. Even though it might look a little weird a girl cycling but her dad agreed as his beloved daughter was missing the thing she was used to to in England.
One day naira went to college by bike because she wanted to. This day was important or let's say became important.

Naira(in mind): cycling wow it feels so good to be able to cycling to college maybe just once. I am sure it is gonna be a good day.
At college naira goes straight to Tina.
N: heyy
T: hii how are you today
N: fine what about you
T: I am fine
N: you know I just noticed but in our class there are some nice boys
T: really who do you mean
N: kartik,...
Before that naira tries to hide the first name she said and say another name Tina interrupts.
T:ooooo kartik I am hearing this name  a lot lately.
N: not true. He is just a nice guy
T: uuhmm yes a nice guy and what more since that we came back from Manali and you are just he did this he did that.
N:shhhh that is not true
T: maybe but you guys talk and laugh and enjoy eachother's company I see him looking sometimes and mostly open up a conversation.
N: oo really 🤔😳
T: yes
N: well enough now let's talk about this later.
T: as you wish 😂😂
Precap : in the rain
I love him. Yes I love him
The heart wants what it wants and maybe you are the beats that the heart needs ♥

Author note: to my Instagram fam. Sorry for keeping you waiting so much I will try to be more regular from now on.
And for my wattpad readers.
Heyy thank you so much for the great response that I got since yesterday we are already on the 18th spot in the tag togetherforever
To all my readers thank you so much for reading i hope you liked today's part. Please show me your love by commenting voting or liking. Next part coming soon until then stay tuned ❤

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