part 8

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Recap: kartik and naira talked and became friends.

They go to there class and get busy with there lectures. They didn't get anytime to talk that day. They both went home a fast as they could because they still had a lot to do.

Naira's house
N: mom, mom. I am back
H: hi baby
N: come i will tell you what happened today.
Naira and helly go and take a seat. Helly was very happy to see naira happy and excited. She was very relieved about the fact that the first day for Naira wasn't as hard as she expected.
N: mom you know. I made new friends.
H: wow really so fast
N: yes mom. Actually one of them was the principal's daughter so knew about me coming and welcomed me very warmly. Her name is Tina
H: and the second one
N: you mean Roshni.
H: if that is her name then yes.
N: yes she is very cute and sweet girl she came to introduce her self. At the same time that..
H: that what
N:there was a boy that wanted to introduce himself to me. But she came and kind of interrupted him😂
H: oooh 😂

Naira told helly the whole incident and how she apologized to kartik. And how sweet he was.

H: what you did was the right thing and that boy seems to be kind as well.
N: yes he is very helpful ☺
H: okay now enough talking about your day. Go and fresh up you still have a lot to do.
N: okay mom I will go.
Naira went to fresh up.

Kartik's house
K: Dadi mom i am back.
D: kittu
S: Hi my baby
K: hello hello guess what happened today
D&S: what
K: first come and sit it is a long story.
Kartik makes his grandma and his mom sit.
K: So today a new girl joined my class.
S: what is her name
D: such a beautiful name
K: yes. You know what she is not from India
S&D: really
K: yes
Kartik tells them everything he knows  about naira and what happened today but he doesn't tell them about the unknown feeling that he has towards her.

D: she sounds sweet
S: yes and she also came to apologize for sometimes that wasn't actually her fault.
K: exactly. It was just the situation.
S: omg kartik you still have a lot to do we have been talking for so long go fresh up until I make you something to eat.
K: okay mom.

Saying that kartik goes upstairs to fresh up.
After a while Kartik comes back to his room when suddenly he gets a call

Who is calling? Is it Naira? Will kartik and naira talk again? What is the deal having in store for them.
Stay tuned

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