Chapter One

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"So what exactly is this new assignment?" I asked with a sigh as I followed the boss down into the prison beneath the port mafia.

"Well, you're honestly kind of our last hope on this front." said the boss, stopping in front of a metal door and turning to face me.

"That still doesn't tell me what it is." I grumbled, crossing my arms in annoyance.

Mori let out a sigh and scratched his head awkwardly.

"Dazai's pet project. She won't listen to anyone except him and he's been gone for four years now. She's a very useful asset and we honestly could really use her ability but, as I said, she won't listen to anyone."

"Why does she need to listen to someone?"

"Well, Dazai managed to convince her she can't use her ability without someone ordering her to. Dazai was the only one she would ever listen to."

"So what makes you think she'll listen to me?" I asked, growing more annoyed by the second.

"Like I said, you're our last hope. You tend to be a bit... quick to anger shall we say? And she can be quite the handful."

"Well what do you expect after you let that waste of bandages train her. I mean, look at Akutagawa."

"Right. Train her." laughed Mori uneasily, "Anyways she's in here."

In one swift motion, Mori unlocked the door and swung it open.

"Y/n, there is someone here to see you!" he announced in a singsong voice.

As we stepped into the dark room, Mori flipped a light switch by the door revealing a not so typical cell. There was a bed, a closet, and through an open door I could just make out an attached bathroom. Additionally, there was a small stove and refrigerator. On the bed sat the huddled form of a girl.

"Hello Y/n, how are you doing today?" asked Mori.

The girl didn't reply. This didn't seem to phase the boss one bit.

"There is someone here to visit you."

Slowly, she lifted her head to reveal a pair of dull e/c eyes which grew wide in apparent shock as they landed on my face before returning to their neutral state.

We stayed in silence for a moment before Mori let out a sigh.

"Damn, I really thought you might work." he said, turning his back and reaching for the door once more.

Just as his hand touched the handle, the girl stood up.

She wore a white shift and had short, choppy h/c hair, almost as if she was in the process of growing out a bad haircut (you'll get your normal hair soon just please stick with me). What I could see of her skin was almost entirely covered with scars.

She took a tentative step towards me and Mori immediately turned around to watch what was happening, a pleased expression on his face.

The girl took a few more small steps forward until she was standing right in front of me, looking up into my eyes with curiosity.

I was about to ask her to take a step back when she spoke.

"You're Nakahara Chuuya, aren't you?" she asked, her voice hoarse from apparent lack of use.

"H-how did you know?" I asked, silently cursing myself for stuttering.

I'm a damned mafia executive, what is it about this little girl that is throwing me off my game?

"I thought so." she said with a satisfied nod, "Dazai is... fond of you."

"Do you think this will work, Y/n-chan?" asked Mori, his voice smooth and cool.

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