Chapter five

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this is one of the chapters i've been planning out in my head for months. i'm so excited to write it. it's very heavily inspired by the song other friends from the steven universe movie (your character is very clearly inspired by spinel). um,,, yeah. i'm a slut for reunions so let's get going!!!

3rd pov
Rampo, Yosano, Kyoka, Atsushi, Dazai, and Tanizaki were all walking back to the Agency. The five of them had decided to go out for lunch and celebrate the president's acceptance of Kyoka before her first mission, later than afternoon. 

"That tempura was some of the best I've ever had i think." claimed Tanizaki as they made their way down the street. 

"Definitely. and that udon too? Wow. Just, wow." nodded Atsushi in agreement. 

"They didn't have a desert menu." pouted Rampo.

Atsushi pov

Yosano opened her mouth to speak but before she could was interrupted by someone standing a little ways down the street from us. 

"Well, well, well." hummed the person, slowly walking towards us, "What do we have here."

She stopped a few feet away where we all had a clear view of her h/l h/c hair and overalls. 

"The detective, the doctor, the assassin, the tiger, the illusionist, ah! And the big man himself!" she said, fixing her gaze on each of us before taking a deep bow, "I am honored, truly."

"It can't be" mumbled Dazai from beside me. 

"Oh but it can be." grinned the girl as she straightened back up, "And it is."

"But, how..."

"You ruined me. I'm just here to return the favor."

"This must be a misunderstanding!" I exclaimed suddenly, not entirely sure of what I was doing, "You must've known him when he worked for the Port Mafia! He doesn't anymore, he's changed."

The girl's eyes shifted on to me and then back to Dazai. There was a dangerous, dead look in them like nothing I'd ever seen. 

"You've changed?" she repeated, "You've changed!?"

"Yeah," said Dazai, putting his hands up as if surrendering, "I'm one of the good guys now."

She scoffed, crossing her arms across her chest. 

"Yeah, I've heard." she mumbled, taking a few furious steps forward, "I've heard that you think you can just up and leave everything, leave everyone and be good now." she sneered, "I've heard that you think 'being good now' absolves you from your past mistakes. I've heard you think you can forget about them, about us, about me and I've fucking heard you think that forgetting means we don't exist in your world."

She now stood merely a step away from us as she uncrossed her arms. 

"But you know," she smirked, "it is kind of nice to meet your new friends, nice to see who you replaced us with. Nice to see if I can beat them."

She put a hand to her ear, drawing all of our attention to the communicator placed there. 

Dazai smirked. 

"Yes sir." she mumbled softly before turning back to the group. 

Where her hands had been just moments ago, there were now two blades. 

"You know, I never liked this ending for you but, in my dearly departed fathers words: it ain't over 'till it's over."

She lunged forward, catching us by surprise and knocking Rampo to the floor with a single blow to the head. While Yosano was checking him out, the girl began to fight Kyoka, Tanizaki, and I simultaneously. I was out of breath, the three of us couldn't seem to keep up with her speed. This fact was made even more evident when she cut off one of Tanizaki's arms. Yosano quickly turned her attention to the redhead. 

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