Chapter Two

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trigger warning: we're gonna talk about sexual abuse a bit so please be warned. I will have a brief summary of the chapter at the end for those who don't wish to read and warnings before the conversation starts as well as where it ends.

3rd POV

It quickly became very clear to Chuuya that he was going to have to rearrange his schedule due to his new charge who refused to listen to anyone but him. At first, he had tried getting one of his more proficient subordinates to train with her so he could get other work done. An hour after leaving them, his subordinate had returned with tears of frustration threatening to fall from his eyes as he explained Y/n's complete and utter refusal to even say a simple hello.

After a short meeting with the boss where Mori agreed to lessen his workload, it was decided that Y/n would only be training in one on one sessions with Chuuya for the time being. Chuuya was impressed to see how much his younger charge had retained after four years of doing practically nothing, but not entirely surprised as she could technically make her body do whatever she liked. The only downside to all this was that she still needed someone to tell her what to do with her ability and didn't seem able to break out of those restraints.

There was a knock at Chuuya's door, drawing him from his thoughts. He sighed, running a hand through his messy hair and leaning back slightly in his chair before calling the person in.

Y/n entered, her scarred skin and choppy hair now a familiar and almost welcome sight to the ginger. She still refused to wear anything other than the white shifts Dazai had given her, and she smoothed her skirt a bit after closing the door behind her.

"You wanted to see me?" she questioned, her face not portraying a single sign of emotion.

Chuuya POV

"Yeah." I sighed, "Sit down"

She tentatively sat in the chair I had gestured to across the desk from my own. She still showed no emotion but something about the way she sat made me realize she was nervous.

"No need to worry, you've done nothing wrong" I said, placing my hat back on my head, "I simply wanted to talk with you."

"Oh... okay" she hesitantly responded.

"We've talked before about the fact that he tricked you into thinking you needed someone else to give you orders in order for you to control your ability."


"And you still don't believe me?"

y/n sat in thought for a moment, mulling things over.

"No, I... I believe you." she said at last, "I just can't seem to do it."

"So you have actually been trying in our training sessions?"

"Yes si-, I mean, yes Chuuya."

Now it was Chuuya's turn to think in silence.

"I want you to tell me a little bit about your relationship with Dazai."

Y/n's eyes widened a bit in apparent shock.


"Because maybe it will help us figure out what exactly he did to fuck with your ability so badly"

"Okay." she responded, wringing ing her hands.


The pair sat in silence as Y/n wrung her hands, trying to look anywhere but at Chuuya. Suddenly, her breathing became heavier and more labored.

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