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After editing what I had written when I started this fic three years ago, I have decided that it is not salvageable and will be discontinuing this story. I am going to leave it up for the people that have enjoyed it over the years, but will not be bringing it any further. It might be something I rewrite someday, and if that ever happens I will let you guys know, but not right now. Thank you for all the love and support these five silly chapters have received over the years.

For those interested in other things I have done, I currently have posted on my account:

Project X (BSD x Reader than narrows into Akutagawa x Reader)  --> Completed

Begin Again (Chuuya x Reader) --> Discontinued (may rewrite)

Death Becomes Us (Dazai x Reader) --> ongoing

To See You Again (Dazai x Reader x Chuuya) --> Ongoing

The Land is Inhospitable and So Are We (Chuuya x Reader) --> Completed

Little Doll (Mafia!Dazai x Reader) --> Completed

Shark (Dazai x Reader) --> ongoing

Star Crossed (Chuuya x Reader) --> ongoing

Leo, leonis (Akutagawa x reader) --> ongiong

The Past Hunts (Fyodor x Reader) --> ongoing

- author

Begin Again (Chuuya x reader)Where stories live. Discover now